Office of Faculty Development

Providing a community of teaching practice and resources for faculty success. 

The Office of Faculty Development's Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET), located in the Business and Liberal Arts Center Room B502, is equipped with technology, tools, and resources to support faculty success in the classroom and beyond.

Schedule a faculty development consultation.

Opportunities and Resources

An awards ceremony

Faculty Development Grants & Awards

The Faculty Development Grants and Awards (FDGA) program funds faculty professional development and administers SUNY Chancellor's Awards for Faculty Excellence.  Visit this page to learn more about FDGA travel, research, and special projects grants and SUNY Chancellor's Awards opportunities.

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Picture of classroom

Teaching, Learning, & Curriculum Development

Teaching and learning resources include strategies and information that help faculty cultivate engaging learning environments.  We offer curriculum development  and delivery support.


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Tech-Enhanced Teaching

Discover opportunities to use technology to support your teaching. Learn about digital syllabus, AI, gamification, assistive technologies, and other tools that support you and your students.


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Picture of meeting at C.E.T

Professional Advancement Pathways

Learn more about the tenure and promotion process and connect with resources and departments that support your success at FIT. In this section, you can access the Faculty Handbook, T&P information, leadership opportunities and other resources. 

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Educational Research at FIT

Learn more about education research at FIT and discover information and scholarship that can enhance your teaching practice. 


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Faculty Toolbox for Scholarly and Creative Activities

Connect with FIT resources that support your scholarly and creative work. Find information related to research, grants, and opportunities for scholarship.

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Faculty Development Consultations

Brian Fallon, Director

Brian offers one-to-one consultations on:

  • teaching practices
  • course design
  • curriculum development
  • tenure and promotion guidance
  • FDGA application support
  • SUNY Chancellor's Awards for faculty

Schedule with Brian

Jeffrey Riman, Coordinator

Jeffrey offers  one-to-one and small group
consultations on: 

  • course design
  • teaching and learning practices
  • teaching with technology strategies

Schedule with Jeffrey

FIT also provides many services and resources to support faculty work with students and professional well-being.

Contact Us

Center for Excellence in Teaching

(212) 217-4060

Brian Fallon, PhD
[email protected] 

Jeffrey Riman
[email protected]
(212) 217-4063

Grace Pasion
Administrative Coordinator
[email protected]
(212) 217-4064