Faculty Services

The Office of Faculty Services is an administrative office that is dedicated to providing guidance and support to all full-time and adjunct faculty in the areas of:

  • Management and administration of student evaluations
  • Assignment of Program (AOP)
  • Tenure
  • Certificates of Continuous Employment (CCE)
  • Promotion
  • Reappointment
  • Sabbatical Leaves and Release Time for Research
  • college policies and procedures

The Office of Faculty Services also works in support of the Faculty Senate to ensure that the work of its standing committees is accomplished in accordance with the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

We foster a work environment that is rewarding and supportive of the missions of the college and Academic Affairs and work as a team that consistently demonstrates its commitment to FIT.

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Contact Us

Faculty Services

333 Seventh Avenue, 14th Floor
(212) 217-5540
Olivia Burton, Department Coordinator
Terry Chan, Associate Coordinator
Mary Di Rado, Administrative Assistant
Kenneth Galvis, Office Associate