CFMM 2024 Capstone Research Economic Access to Beauty Infographic Transcript Healthcare deserts: 121 million Americans lack access to crucial services like pharmacies, primary care providers, and hospitals. Food deserts: 54 million Americans lack access to fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables, contributing to unhealthy diets and obesity. Beauty deserts: 43 million Americans do not readily have access to, and must travel further for, fundamental beauty products and services. Industry First Insights from the 2024 FIT Beauty Market Accessibility Survey 58% of respondents in rural and suburban areas travel more than 30 minutes to buy beauty products. 70% of respondents of color in suburban and rural areas can't find products that meet their needs. 65% of respondents can't afford to buy beauty products. Beauty Oasis includes: simplif A I services, mobile beauty collective, hyper-hubs, mergers and acquisitions, research There is a $10 billion opportunity hidden within beauty deserts.