CFMM 2024 Capstone Research Accessibile and Inclusive Infographic Transcript Creating accessible beauty for the world's largest minority: people with disabilities (PWD) Accessibility is the next wave of inclusivity. 20% of the world population discloses having a physical, neurological, or sensory disability. Experts agree that many do not self-identify due to stigmatization. 100% of people are expected to experience a disability at some point in their lives, whether permanent, temporary, or age-related. PWD spending power is a $13 trillion opportunity. Products The number one beauty challenge for PWD is the products and packaging. Solution: Develop products of PWD, using universal and inclusive design principles. Omnichannel More than 90% of beauty brands have no strategists to reach or address the needs of PWD. Solution: challenge the status quo across all consumer touch points. Representation 1% of all advertisements show people with disabilities. Solution: authentically integrate PWD across all facets of the beauty industry.