Cross-Pollination: Power Mode

cover of cross pollination document

From February-May 2020, students in the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin, Colombia participated in the Museum at FIT’s Cross-Pollination Workshops.

In Colombia, the project was led by professor William Cruz Bermeo. He organized two long-distance sessions between the students and MFIT Senior Curator of Education, Tanya Melendez-Escalante. During these conversations, they discussed the exhibition Power Mode, the ideas addressed by curator, Emma McClendon, and possible projects to create for the workshop.

Originally, students were tasked with creating fashion editorials with guidance from professors William Cruz Bermeo, Andrés Montaño and José Luis Ruiz. However, the COVID19 health emergency interrupted the semester and everyone involved finished the project from home. The change of setting meant students could no longer work collaboratively on an editorial. Hence, the focus of the workshop turned into self-portraits that explored the dynamics between beauty and power in the context of isolation. The final product of this Cross-Pollination workshop was the publication you can explore below.



The Museum at FIT

Education Department

Tanya Melendez-Escalante, Melissa Marra-Alvarez, and Faith Cooper

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana 

William Cruz Bermeo, Andrés Montaño, and José Luis Ruiz

editorial style photo of women with magnifying glass held up to face
women in blonde wig and colorful eyeshadow