The class of 2024 capstone presentations:

  • six months of global research
  • ways to adapt your brand for the future
  • go-to strategies to future-proof your business

#fitbeautythinktank  #accessiblebeauty

Research Details

This year's capstone research focuses on guiding organizations through the evolving landscape of beauty and accessibility. The class of 2024 delves into three critical topics:

  1. the emotional impact of inclusivity on consumer perceptions and organizational culture
  2. the economic consequences of deserts, and expanding access to fundamental beauty products and services
  3. the social implications at the crossroads of beauty, wellness, and societal norms

From fostering a more inclusive environment to addressing economic disparities and promoting social justice, our research aims to equip organizations with the insights and strategies needed to thrive in a diverse and dynamic beauty industry. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of inclusivity and equity, and discover how organizations can adapt to better meet the evolving needs of consumers and communities.

Research Teams


Emotional Impact

Welcome to the forefront of the Beauty landscape, where inclusivity is not just a buzzword but a powerful movement reshaping boardrooms, labs, and campaigns.


Economic Impact

Unlocking lasting and equitable economic access lies in addressing an often overlooked challenge: deserts.


Social Impact

While the beauty industry has long championed women's empowerment, there's a vital yet overlooked area: hormonal health.