Art and Design Gallery

The exhibition space showcases the work of students, faculty, and distinguished alumni, as well as invited guest artists.


The Art and Design Gallery is open from 9 am until 5 pm, seven days per week. The gallery is located at the northwest corner of Seventh Avenue and West 27th Street.

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September 21–October 27, 2024

Picturing Light:
Artists Explore Luminosity

Picturing Light, which is a follow-up to Picturing Space (2019), is an exploration of the many manifestations of light. The exhibition brings together the work of fine artists and photographers, and exhibition, textile, and interior designers who respond to natural and artificial light. The specific focus is on work that makes light its primary subject matter, not just as the means to reveal other content. Some of the work explores the visible spectrum scientifically. Other pieces create environmental experiences through controlled lighting.

Picturing Light is curated by Anne Finkelstein, adjunct assistant professor of Spatial Experience Design.

Photo: Ryan Murphy (Photography student)

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October 24–November 21, 2024

 Lighted Earth

Lighted Earth is a collaboration between Graphic Design Students at FIT and Jewelry Design Students at Indian American Institute of Art (IAIA) in Santa Fe, NM. 

The exhibition features student projects from IAIA's Jewelry Class and will be shown alongside a documentary film being made by the film department at AlA that includes student interviews and insights on the collections from lAIA Jewelry Design Faculty. FIT Graphic Design Students developed the identity and interpretive materials for the exhibition.

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August 9–September 3, 2024

It's a Kid's World: 
Play, Imagine, Create

When designing for young children, it is important to experience the world as they do. This form of empathy allows for a deeper sense connection and understanding.

It’s a Kid’s World! Play, Imagine, Create, embraced the imagination of a child and what it means to design for young audiences. In this exhibition, play, inquiry, and wonder took center stage, through interactive and educational components designed to engage visitors and showcase the work of FIT students in Fashion Design (Children's Wear), Toy Design, Illustration, Textile/Surface Design, and Footwear and Accessories Design. 

In the back gallery, a selection of work from a special project by the nonprofit adoption services organization Spence-Chapin titled “Dear Future: Elevating Children's Voices" highlighted the stories of a group of children residing in an orphanage in Cali, Colombia. Featuring photography, video work, and vibrant costumes, the project explored the possibilities that emerge when vulnerable children are given the space to dream.

Illustration: Bonnie Wong

Contact Us

Art and Design Gallery

227 West 27th Street, New York, NY 10001
(212) 217-7666