Visit the Library

All potential FIT Library visitors* must use our appointment request form.  We do not accept appointment requests by phone or email.

The primary purpose of the FIT Library is to support the teaching, learning, research, and study needs of current FIT students and employees. Visitors, including FIT alumni/former students, must request an advance appointment to use the FIT Library. 

2025 SPRING HOURS (February 2 - May 22)
Appointments are available Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 12 pm and 6 pm

Note: Current FIT and SUNY students, faculty, and staff do not require appointments (present a currently valid FIT or SUNY ID card to be admitted into the building). 

Six (6) visitor appointments are available on each of these days. Company/corporate visitors are limited to two (2) visitors per day.

  • Appointments are typically available approximately three weeks after they are requested

Visitor Guidelines

  • All potential FIT Library visitors must use our Visitor Appointment Request Form
  • We provide visitor appointments for research that reflects our unique and rare holdings
    • Please refer to a local public library or museum for commonly held items
  • When filling out your appointment request, be specific about what you'd like to see or use at the library. Your request will be delayed if you are not specific
  • Please allow at least two business days to receive a response to your request
    • Requests submitted when the library is closed (Saturdays and evenings) will take longer for a response
    • Appointments submitted late in the day may not be reviewed until the following business day
  • We do not make same-day appointments
  • If you miss your appointment or need to reschedule, you will need to submit a new  Visitor Appointment Request form
  • Please refer to FIT's Library Visitors Policy for detailed information on library access and use, required identification, appointment guidelines,  and procedures

Check-In Procedures

  • Visitors must bring a valid government-issued identification to their appointment
  • Check in with the Public Safety booth in the lobby of the Goodman Resource Center
  • After checking in with Public Safety in the lobby, take the elevator to the 4th floor to the Periodicals reading room (e436A) and check in at the Periodicals service desk
  • Visitor stickers must be worn at all times

Things to Know When You're Here

  • There is a limit of 20 items per person, per visit, of materials from behind the FIT Library Periodicals Desk. This does not affect self-service materials on open shelves, such as look books and bound issues of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar
  • Library scanners have a fifteen minute limitation. We suggest using a mobile device to take photos and/or scan images

Additional Information

Undergraduate and graduate students at other local or regional colleges and universities (except SUNY) should first contact librarians at their own institution. A METRO (Metropolitan New York Library Council) referral card may be required in addition to requesting an appointment.

Please contact Special Collections & College Archives (SPARC) for appointments to use their collections

Visitor FAQ

If you fit the definition of a visitor according to the FIT Policy on Library Visitors, please submit an online Visitor Appointment Request form at least one day in advance of your requested date. 

  • WiFi access is available. Request login information at the Periodicals Services Desk. You will not be able to connect to printers.
  • Visitors are required to bring their own device: laptop, tablet, etc.
  • Free-standing scanners are available for no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to limited resources, we may restrict the amount of time a visitor may use our equipment to fifteen minute intervals.
  • Because of licensing restrictions, some print and online materials are for use by currently-registered FIT students and faculty only---no exceptions. These include (but are not limited to) current print and online forecasting & trend services (Fashion Snoops, WGSN, etc.) and some media and market research studies (MRI-Simmons, Mintel, etc.). 
  • Only current FIT students, faculty & employees can access FIT databases remotely. See Online Resources for Non-FIT Students and Other Libraries You Can Use for alternate recommendations.
  • Contact us if you are not sure if we have what you need or if you will be allowed to use specific materials or services.
  • Visitors may only use materials in the Library: no borrowing for use outside the Library.
  • The METRO (Metropolitan New York Library Council) referral  program allows library users from a participating member college or other institution to have access to another member library’s collections for items not available at their own library or at the New York Public Library.
  • If you are a current student or employee at a New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut college or university, check if your school is a member.
  • If it is, you will be required to get a referral from your institution's librarian before you visit the FIT Library. A METRO referral is for a single day's visit and for on-site use only of books or other items.
  • Once you have consulted with your institution's librarian,  you may request an appointment to visit the FIT Library using our Library Visitor Appointment Request form
  • Please contact us if you are not sure if we have what you need or if you will be allowed to use specific materials, have questions about acceptability of your photo ID, or any other questions! 

Contact Us

FIT Library Visitor Team

Goodman Resource Center