CET Events and Collections

About Our Events

The CET designs, develops, sponsors and collaborates on events throughout the year that support best practices in teaching, learning and technology. The events pages linked here encompass many examples that contain audio recordings, supporting materials, and resources.

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It's Your First Day of Class

Topics include; Tips on teaching, preparation, and planning for your first day and beyond,  creating a syllabus, and innovative ideas for getting the semester off to a great start!


Rubrics Workshop: Create, Design, or Revise a Rubric

A rubric is an evaluation tool that sets expectations and guidelines and can be used to establish consistent criteria for assessing student work. This hands-on workshop guides faculty in drafting a new rubric or refining an existing one. Workshop leaders Carolyn Comiskey (Executive Director of Assessment), Meg Joseph (Global Fashion Management), and Sarah Mullins (Footwear and Accessories Design) will present an overview of tips for creating successful rubrics; following their demonstration, participants will break into small groups to work on their rubrics.

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Designing and Supporting Student Presentations

Stephen Keating of the Writing and Speaking Studio explores constructive ways to design and support student presentations. In this talk-turns-workshop, you will hear from students about the challenges of planning and delivering a class presentation and then learn about strategies for getting students to feel more prepared as they take on the task.

student academic resources

Student Academic Resources at FIT

This new faculty orientation contains a comprehensive overview of student academic resources at FIT that provides valuable insight and information for all faculty. 

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Designing assignments to engage students in meaningful research

Presented on February 9th by Miyo Sandlin-FIT Library,  Sarah Blazer-Writing, and Speaking Studio and Meg Joseph-Global Fashion Management. How do you get your students to conduct meaningful research and build information literacy? This event recording provides you with a suite of resources, practices, and assignments that you can tailor to your purposes and subject areas.