The Learning Pyramid

I. The Learning Pyramid

Please review the Learning Pyramid. 
The Learning Pyramid

We learn by doing. Research has proven this over and over again. If the professor spends the entire class time talking, demonstrating and coming up with solutions (even with the best of intentions), we know that the professor is relearning and becoming even more expert in his/her discipline. The student in the audience will be learning the least.

Lecture, including enhanced lecture, is the opening act. It is the chance to lay the foundation, inspire and share critical information; however, profound learning--- learning that demands critical and creative thinking--- happens when students are active, not passive. In other words, be wary of one-way teaching that goes from the podium to a class sitting passively in their seats. Watch your students. You’ll know when they are not engaged by the degree of texting, chatting and doodling that is taking place.

The teacher is a critical guide in the learning process, and it is the teacher’s job to set up the lesson and ask the right questions so students can discover, and remember. However, it is with hands-on experiences, and most certainly through writing, that the best learning takes place. This methodology is frequently referred to as “active learning.” After examining the learning pyramid, you may want to view our light-hearted depiction of “A Brief History of Teaching-- According to Elaine!”

Click here for Learning Pyramid excercises.


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Teaching/learning videos and resources:

» Learning Pyramid
» The Syllabus
» Master Teaching Videos
» Faculty Resources