Adjunct Orientation Teaching Topics
Here are the three teaching topics overview. Review each one and take the quiz. You can stop and save your work, and resume at a later time.
1. Learning Pyramid
We learn by doing. Research has proven this over and over again. If the professor spends the entire class time talking, demonstrating and coming up with solutions (even with the best of intentions), we know that the professor is relearning and become even more expert in his/her discipline. The student in the audience will be learning the least.
2. The Syllabus
SUNY requires a syllabus for every course. The FIT Digital Syllabus program (also known as Syllabus Connect) is an FIT-wide syllabus option. Start working on your syllabi now!
3. Master Teaching Series
Sitting in on a class taught by a master teacher is the best training a teacher will find. If you have never had the experience please ask your chair if you can sit in on someone's class. Even the most experienced faculty find inspiration from watching colleagues in action. There is always something new to learn!