UI Design Outline

*Program outline is a subject to change based on the pedagogical needs.

You will learn:

  • The Role of a UI Designer
  • UI Design Workflow
  • UI Design Methodology (Atomic Design)
  • User-centric Design Process
  • UI Design Tools
  • UI Design Fundamentals (Typography, Color, Grids, and Hierarchy)
  • UI Design Components
  • Design System
  • Accessibility
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Responsive Typography
  • Unique Attributes and Design Considerations for Each Type of Website
  • Unique Attributes and Design Considerations for Mobile Apps
  • Designing for Usability/Learnability
  • High-fidelity click-through Prototyping
  • Micro-interactions
  • UI Design Presentation Skills
  • UI Design Portfolio Preparation