Social Impact

infographic - see body copy for transcript link While the beauty industry has long championed women’s empowerment, one vital area has been overlooked: hormonal health. 

From puberty to menopause and beyond, women contend with hormonal fluctuations that lead to many beauty concerns for which they find scant support. Despite the growing convergence of wellness and beauty, women’s holistic hormonal needs are often sidelined, perpetuating feelings of neglect and invisibility.

Our mission? To bridge this gap by advocating for research, accessible education, and products tailored to women’s comprehensive well-being. 

» Infographic (.png)
» Infographic Transcript (.txt)

Team Members

Amber Cardona
Tori Douglas-Magnolini
Sanam Gidwani
Erin Krug
David Lucas
Shelby Newell
Kylie Phelan
Mary Torelli