Jewelry Design AAS
Deadline: February 1 - SlideRoom Fee (USD): $10
The Jewelry Design portfolio submission consists of two parts: a written essay and original artwork. We want to understand your creative process in both written and visual components. We ask that you put thought into your process and work to create original creative art that reflects your unique self-expression and special quirks. We want to see who you are in your design process.
The mission of the Jewelry Design program is to provide students with the history, skill sets, and vocabulary of the jewelry world in preparation for positions in the jewelry industry including, but not limited to, designers, bench workers, production and quality-control managers, sales executives, jewelry trend forecasters, gemstone and jewelry sources, and instructors.
You will submit a short essay and a portfolio of 10 to 15 finished pieces.
Jewelry Design AAS Essay
Please respond thoughtfully and note that your answers do not replace the essay that you are required to submit as part of your FIT/SUNY application.
In 500 words or less, explain Why jewelry? What area of the jewelry industry interests
you the most? Describe three contemporary jewelry designers or jewelry design “houses”
you admire. Your choices may include fine or fashion jewelry.
Original Artwork (10-15 finished pieces)
Your portfolio must contain 10 to 15 finished pieces. 5 to 7 of your finished pieces must include observational drawings (that is, drawings from real life. For example, still life, portrait, landscape, and figure, design drawing, perspective drawings from life and refined product drawings. No drawings from photos). An additional 3 to 5 of your finished pieces must include jewelry pieces drawn to scale (1” = 1”). You may include drawings of a necklace, earing or brooch. Please limit the number of pieces made with beading and wire wrapping to no more than 2.
The other finished pieces are open to your individual passions and personality. This might be a refined body with a cohesive concept of work, best of your private work, or a collection of your favorite experiments. You may include paintings, prints, photos, graphics, ceramics, furniture, models, jewelry, character/concept art, illustration, animation or web design – whatever you like and are good at doing.
Provide 10-15 items. Images (up to 5MB each), Video (up to 250MB each) and Models (Sketchfab)