Workplace Violence Prevention

FIT is committed to the prevention of workplace violence.

All employees are responsible for helping to create an environment of mutual respect and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment. Per New York State Workplace Violence Prevention Act of 2006 (NYS Labor Law § 27-b)—and SUNY Guidelines—all employees are required to participate in the annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training Program, which is designed to prevent and minimize the hazards of workplace violence to employees.

If such conduct occurs, the college will respond promptly to any threats and/or acts of violence. Incidents involving workplace violence will be given the serious attention they deserve.

» Official Workplace Violence Prevention Policy 

Program Details

 A Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP) consists of four main elements.

  1. a written policy statement
  2. a risk evaluation
  3. development of a formal WVPP
  4. implementation and enforcement of the WVPP, including mandatory employee training, incident report protocol, and recording incidents of workplace violence

Program Benefits

The risk of a violent incident can be significantly reduced by having a WVPP in place. 

It's the right thing to do: We all want to feel safe. It is FIT’s responsibility to support this through leadership, a proactive culture, and effective plans and procedures that contribute to a safe working environment.

It increases safety: Safety goes hand-in-hand with a WVPP and helps improve and strengthen the current safety management system in place.

It's a valuable initiative: Implementing a WVPP protects both employees and FIT. The consequences of failing to maintain a safe working environment can be devastating for employees and the standing of the college.

Resources for Workplace Violence Prevention and Management

FIT offers a host of resources designed to help prevent and mitigate incidents of workplace violence.   These resources can be utilized by employees or students to both directly and indirectly affect the campus climate and our safety.

Health and Wellness

Fitness Center and Fitness Classes: Exercise reduces stress and increases endorphins. Check fitness center hours and class schedules for more information.

Wellness & Work Life: Visit this HR webpage to learn about employee wellness exercise schedules, health advocacy, and tools for mindfulness, relaxation, and mental healthmanagement, and more. 

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): The EAP provides information, assessment, and referral programs for a wide range of health and wellness needs. FIT employees, retirees, and family members can contact EAP to discuss confidential concerns.

Employee Training

Online Compliance Training: The Office of Policy and Compliance provides ongoing online training on a host of relevant issues that could be related, or lead, to incidents of workplace violence.  

Safe Zone Training: Supported by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Safe Zone Training  is a national training program that helps foster an affirming and safe campus environment for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Campus Safety and Security: There are a number of offices and groups on campus working to counter violence; these pages include information about the Campus Anti-Violence Group, bystander intervention, how to receive help, and more.

What to Do in Emergencies: Part of FIT's emergency preparedness and communication plan, these pages provide instructions for what to do in case of certain emergencies (active shooter, shelter in place, assault, violent crime, civil disturbance, etc.)

Other Areas that Can Help