How to Adjudicate

Welcome to the Graduate Exhibition and Experience Design Thesis Capstone Adjudication!

How to Participate

  • Review all the student videos on this homepage, to learn about what they have been exploring in their thesis work.
  • Select 7 students that you would like to work with.
  • Presentations will be held in person all afternoon on Friday, Dec 13th, 2024.
    1:00 PM-1:30PM
    1:30 PM-2:00PM
    2:00 PM-2:30PM
    2:30 PM-3:00PM
    3:00 PM-3:30PM
    3:30 PM-4:00PM
    4:00 PM-4:30PM
  • There are no sign ups this year just remember the names of the students you wish to meet with!

On Dec 13th, 2024:

  • Each presentation slot will be 30 minutes. Each presentation will start with introductions, the student will present to you for ten minutes, then ten minutes for feedback and advice from you. The extra ten minutes after, can be used to talk more with the student, if you wish. 
  • Once you have finished meeting with a student please click on the “Judges: Scoring Rubric” button (same link will work for all students). This is where you will mark where you feel the student’s work lies and leave written notes for the student. This scoring rubric will be used by the student to reflect on their work and to complete the written portion on their thesis work. It will also be used by the EED Department to refine curriculum.

The students will present the following materials for your review:

  • The student will present to you outlining their thesis and how it has been applied to the design of the visitor experience for their project. Some students have created animated design presentation materials where appropriate.
  • Drafting / Physical Design set approximating a bid set. The set includes notes, plans and elevations, performance and material specifications, sections and 1-3 exhibit elements fully detailed out. 
  • Graphics set approximating a bid set. The set includes, graphic look and feel, visual identity system, wayfinding, location plan, an example of each exhibit graphic type, including elevations, sections and specifications, and art direction for digital media.
  • Model or other built representation of the student’s project.
  • Links to all student design development work will be posted on this home page by Dec 8 for your review under their introduction videos.

Each of the students has generated a thesis hypothesis based on what they view as a current challenge or opportunity in the exhibition profession. Students have then researched, experimented with, and applied their original theory to an exhibition project of their choosing. You will see that there is a significant range in student theories and applied exhibition design projects.

Some notes of importance as you review the presentations and design work:

  • This is an applied thesis review, not a final portfolio review. Students are demonstrating their ability to develop a theory that is of significance to the exhibition design profession, and then exploring the validity and opportunities of that theory within an applied design project. You should look for students that have taken risks, attempted to create designs that are outside of the norm, tried to serve audiences and clients in new and exciting ways, and made use of the tools of the trade in intelligent ways. 
  • In the execution of their design work, emphasis has been placed on developing a strong narrative experience for the visitor.
  • Students have done an extensive amount of research on their client, venue, exhibition content/subject and audience, and the exhibition should demonstrate a sound awareness of each.
  • Students have generated schematic-level details and specifications that illustrate an awareness of production requirements and considerations.
  • Regarding budgets & cost estimating: in the tradition of student theses and given time/resource constraints the students have not been required to create a cost estimate. In general, they have designed within some plausible semblance of what the client could afford. In some cases, certain elements may push the envelope somewhat; this was allowed in the spirit of design exploration.
  • Students are completing a written thesis document with articulated research and analysis of their theses, including interviews and case studies, literature reviews, and supporting documentation for their final interpretive design work. These documents are not on view, but you should feel free to ask students about their thesis research work and findings if you wish.