Beyond Graduation

FIT is internationally recognized for the quality of its programs and the caliber of its graduates. At FIT, you’re connected through a faculty of industry professionals and extensive networking opportunities. As a result, FIT graduates have a higher than average job placement rate.

marketing students

Graduates go on to careers as digital analyzers, content creators, social media planners, account executives, copywriters, database marketers, market researchers, and media managers.

Graduates are employed in a range of industries including fashion, retail, fashion/high-tech/home products catalogs, nonprofit organizations, magazine publishing, banking, finance, and pharmaceuticals. 

Career Outlook

Information about this career outlook data

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Tools of the Trade

Devon Zdatny used research and analytics in creative and innovative ways to help her clients thrive during a global pandemic.

Researchers and analysts are like toddlers with a plate of peas and carrots, and the peas can’t touch the carrots. But we take the peas and slam them in the middle of the carrots and mix them with the mashed potatoes.

Devon Zdatny

Direct and Interactive Marketing '13
Devon Zdatny

Learn more about Zdatny's remarkable business strategies.

Contact Us

If you have questions about this program, please reach out.

Direct and Interactive Marketing
Jay and Patty Baker School of Business and Technology
Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B403
(212) 217-4747