

As part of our planning efforts, scenarios based upon the feedback from the FIT community were developed utilizing insight and trends for higher education and the creative industries. Scenarios are plausible, provocative, alternative views that imagine life 10 years from the time they were written. They are meant to magnify change happening today and challenge our assumptions about tomorrow. Scenarios then help us look beyond our current understanding to reveal the blind spots we may have about the future. In doing so, they are meant to uncover new directions for innovation and growth with contributions from our community. These are four scenarios that were created for FIT.

  • Augmented Learning and Working—the impact of digital innovation tools on the creative industries
  • Local Values—the change in consumer behavior due to a shift in societal norms
  • Tech-Enabled Self-Expression—the drive toward mass personalization and inclusive environments
  • Common Ground—the search for community due to the move toward digital mobile living and work environments