Club & Organization Awards

Each year, The Department of Student Life hosts the annual Leadership Awards Gala. The awards ceremony is held in the spring semester to recognize student leaders who exemplify scholarship, service, and leadership.

Students recognized at the Leadership Awards Gala are the very best of our involvement community, they enhance FIT by selflessly giving back their time and energy in order to create a better campus community.  All awards, including Leadership Awards, will be presented at the 2025 Leadership & Club Awards Gala, Monday, April 21, 2025.

Apply for an Award

The Awards Committee accepts nominations from students, staff, and faculty.  In addition to the application, all awards require the nominee's resume and a letter of recommendation (unless otherwise stated in the awards description). 

» Club and Organization Awards Application

Award Descriptions

This award will be given to the president of a club or organization that has shown the most passion and dedication to their group and has pushed their members to new levels of success.  

Eligibility: The club or organization president must have been in office during the 2024-2025 academic year. The president must be nominated by their fellow officers, advisor, or members.

This award will be given to an executive board member, including but not limited to a vice president, treasurer, or secretary who has shown passion and dedication to their club or organization and the fit campus community.  This officer has pushed their club or organization members to new levels of success. 

Eligibility: The club or organization officer must be nominated by their fellow officers, advisor, or members.

This award will go to a new student who has contributed to their club or organization through dedication and service.  This student shows great future leadership potential within the club or organization. Criteria includes but is not limited to, meeting attendance, program planning, support, and overall contributions to the club or organization.

Eligibility: To qualify as a new student, the student must be in their first or second semester at FIT.

This award seeks to recognize the achievements and dedication of a club or organization member.  This student has demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to their club or organization. Criteria include but is not limited to, meeting attendance, program planning and support, and overall contributions to the club or organization.

Eligibility: This student must not serve as an executive board member, such as president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or any other elected position of the club or organization.

This award is presented to the advisor who has provided exceptional leadership and guidance to a student organization and motivated members to their fullest potential.

Eligibility: Advisors should be nominated by their club or organization officers.

This award seeks to recognize a club or organization who has developed and shown growth over the course of their existence as a club or organization.  The group demonstrates a commitment to strengthening their internal operations and/or presence on campus. Criteria includes but is not limited to, progress through programs, contributions to the campus community, membership growth, communication, etc. 

Eligibility: Clubs can self nominate but must include a letter of support from their advisor that speaks to their growth as a club or organization.

This award will go to a club or organization that has been in existence for 10 or more years and is able to demonstrate how they have actively contributed to their groups continuing legacy this academic year. 

This group has consistently continued to provide exemplary programming and/or activities, representation on and off campus. 

Eligibility: Clubs can self nominate but must include a list of programs/activities and a letter of support from their advisor that speaks to their progress and legacy as a club or organization. 

Legacy Award Qualifying Clubs 2025

  • American Association of Textile Colorists & Chemists
  • Art Collective
  • Asian Student Network at FIT
  • Black Retail Action Group
  • Black Student Union
  • Chabad at FIT
  • Child Care Assistance Program CLUB (SELF)
  • Christian Fellowship
  • Collegiate DECA
  • Cosmetics and Fragrance Marketing Association
  • Illustration Club (Illustrate NY)
  • Interior Design Club
  • International Trade Student Association
  • Merchandising Society
  • Production Management Club
  • Public Relations Student Society of America
  • The FIT Gospel Choir
  • Theatre Ensemble
  • Urban Studio
  • W27 Newspaper
  • WFIT

This award will go to the most responsible club or organization of the academic year. The club or organization that has attended every club collective meeting as well as met every deadline without any excuses or need to be told twice. They show up with a great attitude and an eagerness to communicate. *Eligibility: Club applications will be confirmed by the FIT SGA Finance Committee, Must have attended every Club Collective and met every deadline.

This award will be given to the club(s) or organization(s) who have made the most effort to work together in programming and other activities.

Eligibility: Clubs can self nominate with a letter of support from both advisors speaking to their collaborative program. 

This recognition will be awarded to the club, organization or publication that has excelled in producing creative, accurate, and meaningful publication content that highlights the voice of FIT (Blogs, Magazines, Zines, Newspapers, etc). This involves the institution's areas of specialization including business, art, technology, and fashion.

Eligibility: Clubs can self nominate and must include a sample of their publication.

This award will go to a club or organization that has provided a valuable service to the College and the FIT Community through their contribution to campus life.  In addition, this club or organization has proven loyalty to the College and faculty through involvement with their programming on campus. This club or organization demonstrates extraordinary community service, collaborative programming, excellent fundraising efforts, and has created new programs for the student body.

Club applications will be confirmed by Program Coordinator and Department of Student Life 

Much like a prism, the FIT student body consists of an array of students coming together to create a collective brilliance. Light shines through and emits a collective of beautiful colors and shapes reflecting perfection amongst their differences. 

“When sunlight enters into the prism and bends as it exits, a rainbow is seen. In this rainbow, I see an analogy. We are the prism.” - Margaret Rose

This award seeks to recognize a club or organization who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to inclusion and diversity within the FIT community through their initiatives and/or programming.  

  • Students can self nominate but must include a letter of recommendation from a faculty/staff member in the FIT community that speaks to their accomplishments.
  • Students can be nominated by an advisor/faculty/staff member.

This award will go to a club or organization that has demonstrated a humanistic approach to their programming and/or social involvement for the FIT community and beyond through civility and kindness. 

Eligibility: Clubs can self nominate with a letter of support from their advisor speaking to their social empathy

This award goes to the club or organization that has demonstrated excellence in utilizing their social media accounts (ex. Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc.) as a catalyst for change, communication and/or empowerment to the FIT community and beyond. 

This award will be given to the club who hosted the most impactful and successful large scale event of the year. To qualify, these events needed to be hosted in either The Katie Murphy, The Haft, The Great Hall, or The Breezeway and had over 100 participants. The event will be judged on overall attendance, engagement as well as the effort and resilience the club portrayed upon planning and executing the event. 

Qualifications: clubs and organizations must have hosted an event within these spaces.

This award will be given to the club who hosted the most impactful and successful small scale event of the year. Hosted in any classroom, seventh floor space or off campus and had under 100 participants. The event will be judged on overall attendance, engagement as well as the effort and resilience the club portrayed upon planning and executing the event. 

Qualifications: clubs and organizations must have hosted an event within these spaces

This award recognizes any and all clubs or organizations that have showcased exceptional commitment to accomplishing all administrative requirements including but not limited to; attending all Club Collective meetings, adhering to all required deadlines, and  demonstrating excellence in leveraging FITLink. These groups have seamlessly integrated the values of Student Life and Student Government Association into their activities and have maximized FITLink's potential to connect with students, maintain an updated group page, facilitate event management efficiently, and utilize various page tools for optimal engagement and outreach.

Qualifications: clubs and organizations must showcase how their profile is active and how they have used their profile, submitted event requests, news articles etc. As well as having attended club collective with a maxim of one absence.