Emotional Impact

infographic - see body copy for transcript linkWelcome to the forefront of the beauty landscape, where inclusivity is not just a buzzword, but a powerful movement reshaping boardrooms, labs, and campaigns.

We are ushering in a new era, celebrating diversity in skin tones, body types, genders, and ages like never before. However, amidst this wave of progress, a significant demographic remains underrepresented: 15–20% of the global population identified as neurodiverse or people with disabilities (PWD).

With a staggering spending power exceeding $13 trillion, their inclusion is not just a moral imperative, but a lucrative opportunity for growth. Our mission? To champion a holistic approach to inclusivity, weaving accessibility into every aspect of the beauty experience. 

» Infographic (.png)
» Infographic Transcript (.txt)

Team Members

Maclean Liotta
Shiyin Lin
Deja Stephens
Marissa Casazza
Jessica Junquet
Stephanie Taylor
Victoria Healey
Mollie Blank
Jotie Saini