Call for New Members

Faculty and Staff

Fall 2024 (membership applications have been completed, please check back again Fall 2025) 

The President’s Sustainability Council is currently seeking new faculty and staff members for three-year terms beginning fall 2024. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest including a summary of your credentials pertaining to sustainability and a few ideas for Council activities and campus initiatives focused on sustainability. Applicants must also provide a Curriculum Vitae or a brief professional biography. 

Please note that to be considered, you must be available for virtual Council meetings on Wednesdays from 12 - 1pm, every other week during each semester. Additionally, all Council members are expected to be engaged members and take initiative on a variety of Council projects. New members will be expected to actively participate in existing programs as well as propose new projects.

To be considered, interested candidates should complete the application by Friday, April 19, 2024 by 5 PM. Please direct any questions that you may have to:  [email protected] 

» Sustainability Council Faculty and Staff Application


Spring 2024  (membership applications have been completed, please check back again Fall 2024) 

The President's Sustainability Council is currently seeking new student members for a one- to three-year term depending on year of FIT gradaution. The term will begin in Spring 2024.

Who We Are: 
Since 2009, the Sustainability Council has been working to make FIT a more sustainable educational institution in its operations and curriculum. The Council fosters new initiatives, makes recommendations for and promotes policies, projects, and programs that further FIT’s commitment to all environmental, economic, and social aspects of sustainability. 

What We Do:
As a member of the FIT Sustainability Council, you will have the chance to:

  • Work on the administration of the $15,000 Annual Sustainability Grants program
  • Organize and participate in sustainability events, workshops, and initiatives such as: The Annual Sustainable Business and Design Conference (Spring), Earth Week (Spring), Sustainability Awareness Week (Fall), and sponsor other campus-wide events
  • Collaborate with faculty, staff and students to implement sustainable practices
  • Network with sustainability professionals and experts

How to Apply: 
We welcome all students who are passionate about sustainability to apply for membership. New members will be expected to actively participate in existing programs as well as propose new projects.

To submit your application, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the online application form: Sustainability Council Student Application
  2. Applications are due by Friday, October 27, 2023
  3. Please note that to be considered, you must be available for virtual Council meetings on Wednesdays, 12 - 1pm, every other week during each semester
  4. The term will begin in Spring 2024.

Please direct any questions that you may have to: [email protected]