Process and Methodology


FIT is a community of unconventional minds: a place where we educate students to be design thinkers and problem solvers. We are moving forward with innovation while leveraging our traditional skills. We are seeking dynamic partnerships, cultivating unrestrained ingenuity, and advancing uncommon ideas. For these reasons, we embarked upon an unconventional process and methodology for the revised plan.

The methodology used for the plan’s development is referred to as strategic “foresight.” Foresight assists organizations to think differently about their future in order to unearth new opportunities. The planning process was shepherded by the Planning Council, a body comprised of over 30 leaders from across the college, to ensure that the recommendations reflected the long-term interests of the FIT community. Throughout the development of the plan, over 535 individuals contributed by means of committees, roundtable discussions, town hall meetings, stakeholder interviews, surveys, and alumni outreach.