Fall Orientation

Fall New Student Orientation will take place in two required sections: Part One: Pre-Orientation - is a virtual module to be completed at your own pace; Part Two: Orientation Week at FIT - is an in-person orientation guided by Orientation Leaders and is separated by academic school.

Students in the School of Art & Design and School of Liberal Arts and Sciences will be required to attend on Tuesday, August 20 through Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Jay & Patty Baker School of Business & Technology students will be required to attend orientation on Wednesday, August 21 through Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Please note if you are a student in any of the following areas you will be required to attend a pre-orientation session in person on Monday, August 19, 2024:

If you are an F1 or J1 Visa International Student you will be required to attend additional orientation sessions on Friday, August 23, 2024. A more detailed schedule of activities will be shared later this summer. 

Orientation Resources


Orientation 101

Orientation 101

Fall 2024 New Student Orientation will take place in two required sections: Part One: Pre-Orientation is a virtual module to be completed at your own pace; Part Two: Orientation Week at FIT is an in-person orientation. 

Orientation FAQs

Orientation FAQs

All your Frequently Asked Questions answered in one place!


Orientation Schedules

Peruse these pages for your detailed orientation schedule based on your specific school.

Orientation Groups and Leaders

Orientation Leaders and Groups

Get acquainted with your Fall 2024 Orientation Leaders and Groups here!

FIT Academic Calendar

FIT Academic Calendar

Become acquainted with important dates to know for the 2024-25 academic year.

FIT Dining

FIT Dining

Taking care of our students is what we pride ourselves in. We know that dining away from home may be a new adventure for you and we're here to make it a seamless and enjoyable transition. 

Exploring NYC

Exploring NYC

At FIT, NYC truly is part of your campus experience whether it be grabbing a quick bite between classes in midtown or exploring any of New York’s five boroughs, there is always something to do and see.

Families in Transition

Families in Transition

Parents and guardians of new incoming students are invited to join us for Families in Transition: a family welcome Q&A and reception to take place on virtually on [INSERT NEW DATE HERE].


Campus Resources


Academic and Career Resources

Academic and Career Resources

Regardless of your area of study, academic and career success is the ultimate goal. The offices, resources, and support systems highlighted in this section are designed to ensure that you achieve all of your academic goals both at FIT and beyond.

Campus and Student Life

Campus and Student Life Resources

The FIT campus is home to a creative community with diverse interests, talents, and backgrounds. With four residence halls, two fitness centers, an intercollegiate athletics program, more than 60 clubs, and hundreds of on-campus activities, you'll find a wide range of resources for study, exploration, and fun. 

Personal Health and Wellness

Personal Health and Wellness

At FIT your personal health and wellbeing is a top priority, as we have resources designed to address everything from managing and dealing the stresses of being a student to general medical care. 

Academic Majors

Getting Involved

Getting involved at FIT is a great way to connect to your new environment, meet people with similar interests, and create a support network. Learn about all the ways you can get involved here.