SUNY Grants
SUNY Explorations in Diversity and Academic Excellence Grants
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) supports approaches that illuminate and strengthen the intersections between diversity and academic excellence. Diversity can be broadly defined to include all aspects of human difference, including but not limited to: race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, socio-economic status, and status as a veteran. Adjunct faculty must have a full-time faculty or staff partner "lead." Read guidelines for more information. [Note: If you plan to submit a proposal to the SUNY Explorations in Diversity program, you must send to [email protected]]
Award: $10,000 max
Deadline: 2025 Deadline TBA
Apply: SUNY Explorations in Diversity and Academic Excellence
Successful FIT Awardees
Susan Breton, Fashionable Muses: Reimagining Parisian Salons of the Belle Époque - A project intended to foster cultural diversity on campus by offering new perspectives on diversity and inclusion through the lens of modern music.
Melanie Reim, WOW: Women on Women - A one-day symposium of inspirational stories, recollections, and messages for and about women.
SUNY Innovation and Instructional Technology (IITG) Grants
These grants foster solutions at the campus and department levels, while encouraging team-based collaborations across a campus, multiple campuses, or in partnership with vendors to test new concepts. The purpose of these competitive grants is to encourage:
- faculty entrepreneurship in support of SUNY Excels (Access, Completion, Success, Inquiry and Engagement) by taking learning to scale;
- implementation and support of Open SUNY;
- development of evidence-based outcomes that demonstrate the effectiveness of instructional innovation in support of successful learning outcomes; and
- collaboration among SUNY colleagues and supporting partners (e.g., software and technology providers) to pilot solutions and improve quality of learning experiences, as well as provide additional funds or in-kind resources to support innovation that has scale-up potential.
Award: $15,000 - $60,000 max
Deadline: 2025 Deadline TBA
Successful FIT Awardees
Kyunghee Pyun and Elaine Maldonado, SUNY FACT² IITG grant, Bamboo Canvas: Instructional Innovation for a Globalized Classroom, 2017-2018
- Conference on Instruction and Technology (CIT) May 23, 2018
Presentation Bamboo Canvas: Immersive Technology with Project-Based Learning Download Presentation - Conference
Beyond the Bamboo Canvas: Innovative Instruction for a Globalized Classroom at Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC
November 2nd 2018 Visit the event site - Couture Korea at the Asian Art Museum
- A CET event supported by a 2017-18 SUNY-IITG grant directed by Professors Kyunghee Pyun and Elaine Maldonado. Held synchronously with The Asian Art Museum in San Francisco and FIT on November 13, 2017. Watch the video.
Kyunghee Pyun, FACT² IITG grant builds on this 2016-17 project: Bamboo Canvas: Diverse Techniques in Asian Arts & Crafts, 2017-2018
Our mission is to present an interactive platform of video links, podcasts, online lectures, or database explaining art-making techniques of Asian art and design for educational institutions and global audiences and to highlight artistic contributions and intellectual achievements of Asian art and culture.
SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines Grants
These grants are designed to bring together SUNY faculty and visiting scholars from non-SUNY institutions to examine new trends, address changes and challenges, review promising research findings, and become acquainted with professional developments in their fields and on campuses. CID focuses on scholarly and creative activities, and new developments in academic disciplines and fields, but may also include examination of related curricular innovations.
Award: $5,000 max
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Successful FIT Awardees
Kyunghee Pyun and Dan Levinson-Wilk , SUNY Conversations in the Disciplines, Teaching Business and Labor History Across SUNY Campuses , 2018
Amy Lemmon, Getting to Aha! Teaching Creativity at SUNY - A symposium on model teaching approaches and methods.