HS Accessories Design: Opening Day Supply Lists
HLD 030 Constructing Handbags and Tech Accessories
(Updated 6/24/17)
- Please bring $30 to purchase these materials on opening day.
* Additional supplies will be discussed on the first day of class
HLD 031 Sneaker and Performance Footwear Design
(Updated 6/24/17)
- Blue Leads .9 or .7 size
- Blue Lead Pencil Holders
- Regular Pencil
- 11 x 14 Marker Paper Pad
- 11 x 14 Tracing Paper Pad
- French Curves (Frosted)
- 12 Metal Ruler
- Prismacolor, Chartpak, Copic or similar brand markers: small set of cool grey markers
of values 1-10 or 1-6
- Prisma Color Markers Assorted Colors
- Sharpie markers in different sizes, fine tip through thick tip
- White eraser, preferably Staedler Mars
- 4-6 15 x 20 foam core boards or matte boards-Black
- Portfolio book with plastic sleeves for 11x14 art. Art supplies stores: Blick Art, DaVinci, Soho Art Materials, Artist & Craftsman supply, or any local supplier
HLD 037: Introduction to Footwear: Design and Construction Basics (Updated 2/23/18)
T he following is a list of materials that will be needed for our first day of class
- Metal Ruler
- Pencil
- Scissors
- OLFA utility knife (18MM)
- Awl
- Old sandals (to trace sole pattern)