Strategic Recruitment
The FIT Strategic Planning Process devoted the fall term to identifying the key challenges and opportunities the College will face over the next decade. More than 80 interviews were conducted; four special roundtables were convened; and, in January we met as a Steering Committee to push the process forward by establishing nine special planning committees. The results of these discussions and deliberations are summarized in the four documents accompanying this charge to the special planning committee that will focus on FIT's strategic recruitment.
- A Memorandum identifying Issues for First Roundtables;
- A Report on Interview Results;
- A Report summarizing the Central Themes from the Strategic Planning Roundtables convened December 6-7 and December 15-16, 2004; and
- A Report on Enrollment Trends.
Over the next two months we are asking the special planning committee focusing on strategic recruitment to address three strategic challenges.
Strategic Challenge 1
To identify the kinds of marketing and recruitment data that must be tracked as an integral part of FIT's strategic recruiting.
Strategic Challenge 2
To develop goals and strategies for insuring that FIT enrolls an increasing number of the most diverse, talented students from the City of New York; in addressing this challenge, the committee should also identify those aspects of FIT's current programs and policies that are disincentives for New York City enrollments.
Strategic Challenge 3
To begin the process of designing and implementing an aggressive recruiting campaign targeting students with an interest in a premier institution for attaining an education at the nexus of design, business, and technology, at an affordable price.
In considering these Strategic Challenges we ask that you:
- Explore and then specify the planning goals you would like the School or Graduate Studies to achieve in responding to each challenge;
- Identify a limited set of specific initiatives and the principal resources that will be needed to achieve these goals; and
- Suggest a limited set of metrics and benchmarks that the School could track to see if, over the next five years, sufficient progress is being achieved.
- Identify those issues and concerns that will need to be addressed once this current round of strategic planning is complete.
Strategic Recruitment Committee Members
CHAIR: Carol Leven, assistant vice president, Communications and External Relations
CO-CHAIR: Michael Weingarten, associate professor-counselor, Admissions
Mark-Evan Blackman, assistant professor and chairperson, Menswear
Charlotte Brown, assistant professor and chairperson, Educational Skills
Monique Citron, instructor, Advertising and Marketing Communications
Susan Cotler-Block, assistant professor and chairperson, Communication Design
Mina Friedmann, professor-director, Financial Aid
Joseph Gaschen, assistant director, Residential Life
Naomi Gross, assistant professor, Fashion Merchandising Management
Fran Kalish, instructor-counselor, Financial Aid
Loretta Lawrence Keane, vice president , Communications and External Relations
Dolores Lombardi, professor-director, Admissions; adjunct instructor, Fashion Design-Apparel
Norma Markell, assistant professor, Fashion Merchandising Management
Michele Nagel, acting assistant dean, Art and Design
Taur Orange, director, Educational Opportunity Programs
Diane Phillips, director, Institutional Research
John Simone, assistant professor, Advertising and Marketing Communications
Arnaldo Vidal, assistant professor-advisor, International Student Advisement
Sally White, associate professor-registrar, Registration Center
Colette Wong, assistant professor and assistant chairperson, Fashion Design-Apparel
Pam Zuckerman, associate professor-counselor, Career Services