Developing New Academic Programs and Credit Certificates
The following actions are expected of department chairs pursuing a new degree program or credit certificate.
- Chair discusses proposal with the School Dean.
- The Dean meets with the Vice President for Academic Affairs to review proposal and identify how it aligns with the strategic plan for the department/school, and how the proposed program/certificate will be supported.
- The Dean signals to the Chair to continue development of proposal, if contingent approval is given.
- Dean and Chair review the outline of steps and appropriate application.
- Outline of Steps for New Programs and Credit Certificates (below)
- FIT's Approval to Proceed for a new credit certificate (.doc)
- FIT's Approval to Proceed for a new undergraduate degree program (.docx)
- FIT's Approval to Proceed for a new graduate degree program (.docx)
- Chair downloads the appropriate Approval to Proceed application.
- VPAA and Dean notify VP's of intention and Chair and Dean work with VP's to develop the approval to proceed application.
- Chairs and Deans write first draft of application. This will require collaboration with Vice Presidents of pertinent units (e.g. Finance and Administration, CER, Strategic Planning, IT).
- First draft is reviewed by Vice Presidents.
- Dean and Chair draft final iteration of application incorporating VP feedback.
- Dean and Chair present final iteration to VPAA in advance of President's review.
- Copies are shared with Academic Affairs.
- If approved by the President, the proposal is voted on by the Board of Trustees.
Additional New Program Information
Semester 1
- Concept outlined by faculty and support received from Dept. Chair, and School Dean.
- School Dean receives support from the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) to develop a summary statement to be shared with the President.
- The President indicates to the VPAA that the Approval to Proceed (ATP) process may begin.
- The ATP is turned into a Google Doc by the Office of Curriculum.
- The Office of Curriculum team works with ATP proposer to complete form items 1. – 7.
- Simultaneously, the ATP proposer works with the Assessment Director, to develop a curriculum map of the proposed degree program. The completed curriculum map is uploaded to the ATP.
- The VPAA generates an email to the VP for IT/CIO, Information Technologies Services, the VP Finance & Administration, Education Foundation, the VP for Communications and External Relations, and VP for Enrollment Management & Student Success, stating that exploration and development of a new degree program is underway, and that the ATP proposer and Department Chair will be reaching out to schedule meetings with someone from their areas.
- The ATP proposer schedules meetings with respective VPs.
- ATP proposer and Department Chair begin development of ATP sections on enrollment, need, budget, space, resources with respective VP areas.
Semester 2
- The ATP proposer and Department Chair complete ATP sections on enrollment, need, budget, space, resources with respective VP areas.
- The completed ATP is reviewed by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (AVPAA) and the VPAA.
- The VPAA confirms with VPs.
- The ATP is submitted to the President for approval. The VPAA receives approval from the President to move forward with degree program development and communicates this to the School Dean, ATP proposer and Department Chair.
- A new degree Letter of Intent (LOI) or Program Announcement (PA) FYI is submitted into the governance process (a misc. digital curricular innovation form is generated).
- Development of curriculum begins as per curriculum map.
- Courses of study are developed and fleshed out.
- The Office of Curriculum submits a SUNY Program Announcement (undergrad programs) or SUNY Letter of Intent (grad programs) to SUNY Central.
Semester 3
- The PA or LOI is circulated to all SUNY campuses; other campuses have 30 business days to comment on the proposal.
- Courses of Study (COS) are reviewed by Dept. Faculty, and (COS) are reviewed by the School Department Chairs and Dean.
- The COS travel through FIT’s internal governance procedure via electronic curriculum form system (CIM) and receive approvals to move forward.
- The Office of Curriculum works with the ATP proposer and Department Chair on development of the SUNY Program Proposal application (SUNY undergraduate form 2A or graduate form 2B).
- Recommendations for external proposed program reviewers (along with their CVs) are sent by the ATP proposer and Department Chair to the AVPAA’s office team.
- Once the 30-day comment period for the LOI or PA ends, any concerns and/or objections from other campuses must be resolved to the satisfaction of the SUNY Provost Office.
- The Office of Curriculum sends proposed program reviewer information to the SUNY Campus Reviewer.
- Once SUNY chooses two external reviewers, the Office of Curriculum sends each reviewer the proposed new program Approval to Proceed document along with the blank SUNY External Evaluation Report form, and arranges for them to visit the campus and relevant locations. Upon completion of the evaluation, each reviewer emails her/his separate and signed report to the campus.
- The Office of Curriculum along with the School Dean, ATP proposer and Department Chair prepares an Institutional Response to the reports prepared by the external reviewers and submits it along with the original, signed External Evaluation Reports, and the Program Proposal application to the SUNY Provost.
- *SUNY reviews all submitted documents, and when approved SUNY forwards the proposal(s) to the New York State Education Department.
- *The New York State Education Department (NYSED) reviews the documents and once approved, issues a final approval letter along with assigned HEGIS and state degree codes to the President’s office.
- *After NYSED official approval letters are received by the President’s office, communications, and marketing, may begin.
*Steps 12 and 13 may take up to 10 months to complete
Semester 4 (or in between semesters)
- Planned facilities, software and other resources are determined through the operations unit of Academic Affairs, and the offices of the CIO, Facilities and EMSS.
- Marketing of new program(s) is determined through the offices of Communications and External Relations and Admissions.
Semester 5
- Continued marketing of the new program(s).
- Student applications to the new program(s) are received.
- Applicant portfolios are reviewed.
- Student advisement takes place.
- If the proposal is for a new program in art and design, the Office of curriculum along with the ATP proposer and the Department chair prepare the NASAD Plan Approval document.
- The NASAD Plan Approval document must be received by the Commission Office before Sept 1st – for consideration during the October meeting.
- Continued discussion and implementation of planned facilities, software and other resources takes place.
Semester 6
- Faculty are hired and teaching programs assigned.
- Students are admitted for the Fall incoming class.
- NASAD’s recommendation for Plan Approval is received.
- Finalization of planned facilities, software and other resource needs.
In between semesters
- Installation of required software and purchases of additional resources.
Semester 7
Intake of new program first cohort.
As of February 11, 2022 we are temporarily suspending the development of new articulation agreements until further notice.
Below are the steps for establishing an articulation agreement between your program and a program at another institution:
The Chair of the program discusses the possibility of articulation with the Chair of your program.
2. If the FIT Chair recommends that we move forward, then please have him or her send the information about the proposed articulation to the Director of Admissions and to the Associate Vice President of Faculty and Academic Program Support and the Assistant Dean for Curriculum.
3. The Director of Admissions, and/or his or her designee, will reach out to you to further discuss any recruitment, admissions, etc. limitations or suggestions.
4. After you and the Director of Admissions concur that the should move forward, please let the Associate Vice President of Faculty and Academic Program Support and the Assistant Dean for Curriculum know so that they can prepare the standard articulation proposal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
5. The office of Faculty and Academic Program Support shares the information entered into the MOU, with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and then send it to you, your chair and to the Director of Admissions.
6. If you all approve of the information stated in the MOU, the office of Faculty and Academic Program Support will forward it to the contact at the proposing institution.
7. Typically the Chair, Dean and President of the proposing institution discuss the articulation proposal and may have questions that need to be answered.
8. When particulars for the MOU are agreed upon, the proposing institution prints out and signs 2 copies of the MOU and sends it to the office of Faculty and Academic Program Support, which will obtain the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the appropriate Dean and department Chair's signatures.
9. Once signed, one copy of the agreement is sent to the President of the institution and the other original is delivered to FIT's Office of General Counsel.