Reports and Memos
This section includes documents that are being produced as the strategic plan develops.
As President Brown has said, the success of FIT's strategic planning initiative depends on the broad participation of the college community. To encourage informed involvement, each of these documents has been posted in its entirety. Some are quite lengthy, but as 2020: FIT at 75, Bringing the Future into Focus develops, it is crucial that all the details and participants contributions be available to everyone.
Please click on the links for the following documents:
Fall 2005 Roundtable Interview Topics Prior to the Roundtables, TLA interviewed each member of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee and produced this document, which provides an outline of topics covered in the fall sessions.
Fall 2005 Roundtable Interview Results Prior to the Roundtables, TLA interviewed each participant and produced this document, which provided a matrix of questions for exploration during the fall sessions.
Fall 2005 Roundtable Central Themes Following the Roundtables, TLA produced this document, which summarizes the central themes that emerged during the fall sessions.
Enrollment Trends Report TLA and FIT's Institutional Research office created this comprehensive statistical analysis of FIT enrollment data, which includes an assessment of national trends and how they relate to the college.
Special Planning Committees Report This report documents the goals and initiatives that were developed by the ten special planning committees that met during the spring semester.
Memo from President Brown, February 22, 2005 President Brown prepared this strategic planning update for the college community.
Memo from President Brown, September 27, 2004 President Brown prepared this strategic planning update for the college community.