Students Win NRF Challenge
A group of students from the School of Business and Technology have won the 2019 NRF
Foundation Student Challenge:
- Alin Intravisit, FBM
- Angela Flegert, FBM
- Caroline McCormack, FBM
- Lara Voronokov, AMC
Each received a $1500 travel award and a $5000 scholarship.
The students developed a proposal for a retail concept for the store STORY. The proposal included a written paper and a video. They presented their proposal to a panel of judges.
The NRF Foundation Student Challenge gives undergraduate students at NRF University Member Schools the chance to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom in a real-world setting. Since its launch, the NRF Foundation Student Challenge has provided nearly $300,000 in scholarship funds to students across the country, and priceless career opportunities.