Unity XR: AR, MR, VR Development
Level I
VR/AR industry overview and case studies.
This section gives the students and understanding of the growing applications of XR technologies and help them guide them into possible professional development paths.
- Enterprise
- Education
- Entertainment (media and games)
- Medical
User Experience for VR and Development Environments
This lecture will give the students an overview of the tools and concepts necessary to create VR experiences for Oculus using Unity.
- Review of the VR headsets market (hardware requirements, GPU basic concepts)
- Introduction to User Experience design for VR
- Introduction to Unity3D for virtual reality
- Hands-on demo of mixed reality devices, Magic Leap and Hololens.
- Project: Create a VR User Interface for a video application
Introduction to Creating Full Virtual Environments in Unity
This hands-on lecture will show students how to install and create a basic VR experience and get an introduction to the C# programming language.
- Understanding Locomotion for VR
- Introduction to selection and modification methods for VR
- Using light controls and physics in Unity
- Using the Unity Store
- Adding interaction with basic c# code
- Project: Create an interactive Interior Design project.
Create an interactive VR game with A-Frame
This class students will create a game using physics libraries as well as more advanced programming concepts.
- Basic introduction to gaming user experience
- Introduction to virtual reality controllers (oculus quest)
- Working with custom 3D models in Unity
- Adding spatial sound
- Coding a score keeper with C#
- Project: Whack a Mole Virtual Reality game
Creating an Augmented Reality Art Gallery with Unity and Vuforia
This class will use Vuforia, an Augmented Reality plugin for Unity to create an interactive poster. This project will be exported to iPhone and Android phones.
- How AR works (marker vs marker-less)
- Introduction to the Mixed Reality market (hololens, magicleap, nreal)
- Class demo of Lenovo Mirage AR
- Installing Vuforia
- Adding interaction to the AR model
- Object Tracking with Vuforia and Unity
- Adding sound
- Exporting application to mobile environments
Project: Create an interactive AR poster for Android or iPhone