Bernard L. Dillard

Associate Professor | Science and Mathematics
Bernard Dillard

(212) 217-3023

Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B831


BA, Morehouse College
MAT, Emory University
MS, University of Maryland

2018-2019 FIT Faculty Excellence Award
2022–2023 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching


A native of Durham, North Carolina, Bernard Dillard is Associate Professor in the Science and Mathematics department. His research involves using statistical techniques to zero in on possible bioterrorist attacks involving anthrax by analyzing non-traditional data streams. He has also been involved with exploring methods in statistical clustering analysis that predict location and placement of IEDs in Iraqi war zones.

In addition to his scholastic side, Professor Dillard enjoys acting and modeling. He has booked key gigs, including acting roles for The Wire, theater roles for Deli of the Damned, and Topdog/Underdog, and modeling and commercial assignments for Sean John and Sony Ericsson. He is always engaged in the auditioning process in the New York area and continues to pursue significant small- and big-screen roles.

Finally, Professor Dillard is the award-winning author of Lemonade: Inspired by Actual Events, a memoir. It was the 2013 winner of Dan Poynters Global eBook Award in the autobiography category.

View Bernard Dillards CV (.pdf)

Selected Publications

Dillard, Bernard L. “The Glass is Still Half Full: On Maintaining Positive Perspectives.” Schepp Connections 16.1 (2014). Print and Online. In press.

Dillard, Bernard L. Lemonade: Inspired by Actual Events. New York: BerNerd Publishing, 2012. [Winner of Dan Poynter’s Global eBook Award, Autobiography/Memoir Category (2013)]. Print and eBook.

Gibson, Henry, and Bernard L. Dillard. Elementary Statistics. 3rd ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2012. Print and eBook.

Dillard, Bernard L. “Hey, Who Turned Off the Lights?”CHANCE Magazine 23.2 (2010): 28–37. Print.

Dillard, Bernard L., and Galit Shmuéli. “Wavelet-Based Monitoring for Disease Outbreaks and Bioterrorism: Methods and Challenges.”InterStat 3 (1995): n. pag. Web. 14 Mar. 2010. Online only.

Applegate, David, Luciana Buriol, Bernard L. Dillard, David Johnson, and Peter W. Shor. “The Cutting-Stock Approach to Bin Packing: Theory and Experiments.” Proceedings from ALENEX ’03: The Fifth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments. Ladner, R.E. (Ed.). (2003). Baltimore, MD: SIAM, 115. Print.


  • MA 392 The Mathematics of Personal Finance (Honors)
  • MA 321 Data Analysis for Business Applications
  • MA 311 Math Modeling for Business Applications
  • MA 231 Precalculus
  • MA 222 Statistical Analysis
  • MA 161 Mathematical Ideas
  • MA 003 Algebra Review
  • MA 005 Developmental Math for Fashion Merchandising Management
  • MA 001/002 Developmental Mathematics I and II