Mental Health Resources
Calm App
FIT students may sign up for a free subscription to Calm, an app designed to promote
sleep, relaxation, and meditation. Learn more about Calm.
To sign up for an account, email [email protected]. Then to activate your subscription:
- go to Welcome to Calm in a web or mobile browser
- sign in or create an account using your FIT email address
- download the Calm app and log in
You may add up to five dependents via the Manage Subscription webpage
Other Resources
The Counseling Center has compiled these additional resources for you to browse at your convenience.
Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center
312-320 East 94th Street, New York, NY 10128
(212) 423-3000 (for ages 18-23)
Blanton Peale Counseling Center
7 West 30th Street, 9th Fl., New York, NY
(212) 725-7850 Ext. 119
Callen Lorde Community Health Center
56 West 18th Street, New York, NY
(212) 271-7206 (for those without insurance)
Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services
135 West 50th Street, New York, NY 10020
(212) 582-9100
Jed Foundation - a nonprofit organization geared towards young adults that promotes emotional wellness through providing mental health skills and resources
Mental Health is Health - an MTV Entertainment Studios initiative focused on prioritizing mental health, along with physical health. The initiative aims to normalize conversation, create a connection to resources, and inspire action for mental health
State University of New York (SUNY)-Mental Health Matters - a web page that offers a variety of resources for students who would like to get into contact with others (professionals and other peers) for mental health support
Go Ask Alice-website produced by Columbia University providing information to assist in making decisions about health and well-being
Child Mind Institute - dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders
Psychologist Locator - locate licensed psychologists near you
ZocDoc- a resource that allows you to locate and book appointments with mental health providers in your community
Ulifeline- an anonymous and confidential self-screening tool for college students in order to gather information and resources regarding certain mental health conditions
Cyberbullying on the College Campus - offers resources and support surrounding cyberbullying
Psychology Today - the world’s largest mental health and behavioral science magazine; it includes free access to thousands of mental health professionals
RAINN National Sexual Assault - RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Additionally, RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline
Response Hotline - a crisis hotline with professionally trained and supervised counselors, available 24/7
National Eating Disorders Association - NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) is the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders
60 Mental Health Resources for College Students - a resource guide which offers statistics on the current mental health of college students and shares resources available to provide support
The Mood Disorders Support Group, Inc. - The MDSG is a nonprofit, self-help, peer run mental health organization, whose trained facilitators are available to support individuals and their loved ones with mental health challenges
What are your strenghts and what do your strengths and talents look like under stress, uncertainty and crisis? Learn about them through the following video series:
Achiever Talent: Do you have a relentless need for achievement?
Activator Talent: "When can we start?" is a recurring question in your life
Adaptability Talent: You live in the moment
Analytical Talent: "Prove it. Show me why what you are claiming is true."
Arranger Talent: You are a conductor
Belief Talent: You have certain values that are enduring.
Command Talent: You take charge
Communication Talent: You like to explain, to describe, host, speak in public or write.
Competition Talent: A need to outperform your peers
Connectedness Talent: You know that we are all connected
Consistency Talent: You have a need to treat people the same
Context Talent: You look back to understand the present
Deliberative Talent: You identify, assess, and reduce risk
Developer Talent: You see potential in others
Discipline Talent: Your world needs to be ordered and planned.
Empathy Talent: You can sense the emotions of those around you
Focus Talent: Your goals are your compass
Futuristic Talent: The future fascinates you. "Wouldn't it be great if...?"
Harmony Talent: you look for areas of agreement
Ideation Talent: You are fascinated by ideas
Includer Talent: You like to include others and make them feel a part of the group.
Individualization Talent: You are intrigued by the unique talents of each person
Input Talent: You collect information-words, facts, books and quotations
Intellection Talent: You like to think. You like mental activity.
Learner Talent: You love to learn
Maximizer Talent: Excellence, not average is your measure
Relator Talent: You derive great pleasure and strength from being around your close friends
Restorative Talent: You love to solve problems
Self-Assurance Talent: You have faith in your strengths
Significance Talent: You want to be significant in the eyes of others
Strategic Talent: You create alternative ways to sort through the clutter and find the best route.
CWC Talks: The College Mental Health Podcast A series of podcasts devoted to honest conversations about college mental health and wellness. The episodes feature various topics relevant to college students, from racism to managing panic attacks, to developing resources for hard times.
The Happiness Lab A series of podcasts featuring stories that allow you to explore the topic of happiness.
Want to Try to Stop Drinking/Drug Use?
Students can always come to the Counseling Center on campus (A212B/217-4260) for help
with alcohol or drugs, or for a referral for treatment outside the college. Treatment
resources outside FIT can also be found through the following numbers:
1. Parallax Center - Provides outpatient treatment for a variety of substance abuse issues and takes the FIT insurance. Located @ 145 East 32 Street (between Lexington and Third Avenue) 212 779.9207.
2. For access to 24 hours assistance and treatment referrals, call 800-662-4357. If you are looking for inpatient treatment and do not have insurance, please call 800-522-5353 (NY only).
3. Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in New York - Check this list of treatment centers that can set you on the path to recovery.
4. NARCAN: Emergency Help with suspected opioid overdose (available at Health Center)
5. Find addiction treatment facilities that provide drug and alcohol detox, support, and comprehensive substance abuse treatment services to individuals and families struggling with addictions.
6. HOPEline Services is a toll-free and confidential service available 24/7 to support those seeking treatment for substance use, gambling, and alcoholism. Call 1-877-8-HOPENY (467369) or text HOPENY (467369).
Self-help Groups
1. Alcoholics Anonymous NY AA General Service Office 212 870.3400
2. Narcotics Anonymous 212 929.6262
Find local Narcotics Anonymous meetings and discover various types of treatment including inpatient, outpatient, and support groups.
3. Al Anon(for those who have loved ones with a substance abuse issue) 212 941.0094
If you have ever felt worried about your own or someone else's use of drugs/alcohol, take this short quiz! It's anonymous and confidential.
Signs and Symptoms of Abuse and Addiction:
While a professional assessment is necessary to accurately diagnose a substance abuse or addiction problem, your answers to the questions below can be a good preliminary indicator of whether assessment by a professional is advisable.
C - Have you ever felt the need to Cut down on your drinking/drug use?
A - Do you get Annoyed at criticism by others about your drinking/drug use?
G - Have you ever felt Guilty about your drinking/drug use or something you have done while drinking or using other drugs?
E - Eye-opener: Have you ever felt the need to get high or have a drink early in the morning?
Two positive answers provide an indication that the person may be at risk for developing a problem with alcohol or drugs. Discussing a potential problem early on can provide valuable information to an individual, especially if that person has a family history of alcoholism or other drug addiction or has other risks factors. Addressing alcohol or drug issues in the early stages of a problem is much easier than waiting until substance use has progressed further.
If you would like to talk about your answers to the above questions, please contact the Counseling Center for free, private and confidential assistance at (212) 217-4260 or stop by and visit us in A212B.
Adapted from the CAGE Screening Test (Mayfield, McLeod & Hall, 1974).
What is an Eating Disorder?
A person with an eating disorder has a difficult physical and/or emotional relationship with eating, food, and body image. They may spend a lot of time thinking about weight, eating, food, and body image, and may be extremely afraid of gaining weight. This may affect a person's sense of well-being and their relationships with others.
One form of an eating disorder is when a person restricts their diet - eating very little or eating only certain foods. Restricting may result in imbalances in body chemistry, fatigue, dry skin and hair, missed periods, malnutrition, and digestive problems. Low body weight might lead to other serious medical problems. Typically, this person believes they are overweight, even if they are under nourished. This is called Anorexia.
Some people may over-eat and then try to eliminate the calories or food by vomiting, using laxatives, over exercising, or other types of purging. Purging may result in imbalances in body chemistry, damage to teeth and throat, dehydration, and stomach problems. This is called Bulimia.
Others cannot tell when they have eaten enough. They may have a powerful urge to continue eating even if they are full. These behaviors may result in extreme weight gain. This may indicate Compulsive Eating.
What about Body Image?
Body image encompasses thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors that are related to how you perceive your physical self. Many people go through life struggling with concerns about their body image. Spending all your time thinking about these things doesn't leave you much time to think about anything else.
Worried about eating disorders?
If you think that you, a friend, or a roommate may have an eating disorder, it may be useful to know signs that some people may experience:
- Constantly weighing, measuring, judging the body.
- Using laxatives to eliminate meals or calories.
- Vomiting frequently, particularly after meals.
- Exercising because you have to, not because you want to.
- Anxiety in public because you feel you just don't look right, too fat or too thin.
- Bite marks on fingers, puffy cheeks and/or eyes, extreme or frequent weight loss or gain.
- Stomach problems.
- Loss of menstrual cycle.
- Constant worry about food, eating, counting calories.
- Mood is dependent on the day's eating.
- Constant comparison of how you look to others, such as thin celebrities.
- Sadness and/or discontent with your physical shape, size, or other attributes.
- Not feeling satisfied, no matter how much you eat.
- Desperation - you can never be perfect enough.
Who is affected by eating disorders?
More than 7 million women and 1 million men in America have eating disorders. They are common on college campuses. Some students come to college struggling with food, while others develop problems with food or body image during the college years.
The good news is that with treatment and support, people with eating or body image problems can have healthy relationships with food and self.
Additional Resources
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders