Campus Events and Demonstrations

August 2024


These Temporary Standards and Guidelines reinforce and reaffirm FIT's commitment to open expression and ensure that demonstrations and other expressions of free speech are appropriately managed. The guidelines aim to enable free expression while allowing FIT to deliver on its core mission.

The Temporary Standards and Guidelines (or Temporary Guidelines) are sourced from numerous existing FIT policies and guidelines, including the following: Employee Ethical Code of Conduct, Event Management and Facilities Rental - Internal, Event Management and Facilities Rental - External, Code of Student Conduct, Campus Posting Policy, and Intellectual Property. These Guidelines also include SUNY guidance on managing postings, identification cards, camping, and use of tents on campus, as well as freedom of expression and assembly. 

I. Guiding Principles

  1. The Fashion Institute of Technology affirms and supports its commitments to freedom of thought, inquiry, speech, and lawful assembly.

  2. The College aims to foster open and rigorous debate, protect academic freedom and free speech, and promote constructive discussion, even on the most challenging, sensitive, and controversial issues. Indeed, central to our mission is providing a platform upon which various viewpoints are expressed and encouraged. 

  3. While fostering the free exchange of ideas, FIT must also be able to pursue its core mission - to teach, engage in research and scholarship, promote design, business, liberal arts and sciences, and athletics, convene the community, and perform its everyday operations. This includes ensuring that FIT community members are protected from physical injury and that FIT facilities are protected from property damage as outlined in the college’s Workplace Violence Prevention Policy.

  4. The College affirms the right of members of the FIT community to assemble and demonstrate peaceably using college facilities. The College affirms that the substance or nature of the views expressed is not an appropriate basis for any restriction upon or encouragement of a lawful assembly or a demonstration except as described herein. 

  5. A stance toward open expression is an essential part of how the college fulfills its role in society. Still, it does not extend to activities that impede other college functions. To achieve this balance, clarity about free expression is essential to protect the entire community, demonstrators, or potential demonstrators from concerns about unclear rules or inconsistent enforcement. 

  6. The safety and security of the FIT community remains a foundational commitment to all students, faculty, staff, and guests, and the College will prioritize this commitment in all matters.

II. Applicability of these Temporary Guidelines 

  1. Any FIT community or FIT-affiliated organization member wishing to schedule an event on campus, such as a demonstration, protest, rally, or guest speaker, must review these guidelines and adhere to them. 

  2. Any event, meeting, demonstration, protest, or rally is governed by these guidelines, regardless of how it is characterized or labeled. 

  3. These Guidelines apply to all FIT community members and organizations hosting events at FIT. 

III. Scheduling Events 

  1. FIT facilities, both indoor and outdoor, exist for the primary purpose of FIT-related education and other sanctioned activities. Priority for the use of facilities is given first to those academic in nature and then to programs of FIT-recognized groups. 

  2. Events are presumed to be private, that is, limited to members of the FIT community, unless specifically stated otherwise. 

  3. Events must be scheduled in advance. Scheduling is essential to allow planning, coordination with other campus events, and community safety. As the event is being planned, organizers must provide notice about their space needs and/or requests. Of note: most spaces on campus, including outdoor spaces, require more than 48-hours' notice to reserve. 

  4. Events that require a security assessment from FIT’s Public Safety may result in additional safety/security measures being implemented.

  5. Events must occur during the stated business hours in the designated campus location. 

IV. Access to FIT Spaces and Event Contracting 

  1. Schools, departments, individual faculty, students, and staff may not serve as "individual fronts" or "proxies" for non-FIT affiliated organizations, which may solicit them to gain access to or use FIT venues to organize or host an event on their behalf. 

  2. No student may sign a contract on behalf of the College. All contracts for lectures, performing arts activities, programs, services, or other events sponsored by student organizations must be reviewed by the Director of the Department of Student Life, reviewed and approved by the team in Enrollment Management and Student Success, and signed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration or their approved designee. 

  3. Any contract for an event must be reviewed and executed by an authorized FIT representative. 

V. Amplified Sound 

  1. When classes are in session, amplified sound (including, but not limited to, bullhorns, musical instruments, and amplified speakers) is permitted only by approval. Regardless of the time of day, amplified sound is not permitted during scheduled college events, including but not exclusive to Convocation, Commencement, or final exams. 

  2. If noise resulting from an event in an outdoor space may interfere or conflict with library, office, and classroom activities, the continued use of that outdoor space may be denied. 

VI. Posters, Signs, Banners, and Chalking 

  1. FIT's Campus Posting Policy details information for displaying temporary signage, including chalking (unless authorized).

    The following are modifications to the Campus Posting Policy:

    1. Posters, signs, and banners should be removed, at the latest, after two weeks of being posted or within 24 hours of an advertised event's completion.

    2. Non-water soluble, semi-permanent, and permanent substances, including spray-chalk, are not permitted on any college surface, including vertical surfaces, lamp posts, informational and directional signs, and public art. The College will exercise discretion for removing any markings and determining if they are compliant with these guidelines.

    3. Light projections may not be displayed on any college building or structure without seeking express written permission from the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success

  2. To protect open expression, signs posted in compliance with these guidelines will not be removed, and it is a violation of these guidelines if an unauthorized individual removes them or posts over them. 

  3. Non-compliant signage, including posters, banners, and chalking, will be removed immediately. 

VII. Demonstrations 

  1. In addition to the Temporary Guidelines articulated throughout this document, demonstrations must follow these procedures as well; 
  1. To ensure the safety of the FIT community and protect individuals' health and property, encampments and overnight demonstrations are not permitted in any college location, regardless of space (indoor or outdoor). Unauthorized overnight activities will be considered trespassing and addressed as such.

  2. Individuals and groups may only erect structures, walls, barriers, sculptures, or other objects on college property with prior permission from the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Success. Any structure erected without permission is subject to immediate removal. 

  3. Demonstrations are not permitted to occur in or on any of these College locations: 

    a. Classrooms, student areas, offices, residences, research laboratories, and associated facilities, and computer labs/centers. 

    b. Classrooms, offices, museums, libraries, and other facilities that normally contain valuable or sensitive materials, collections, equipment, and records protected by law or by existing college policy, such as educational records, student-related or personnel-related records, or financial records. This also includes The Museum at FIT and its exterior entranceway

    c. Classrooms, seminar rooms, auditoriums, or meeting rooms.

    d. Emergency facilities, communication systems, utilities, or other facilities or services vital to the continued functioning of the College. 

    e. College sculptures and statues. To preserve these structures and to reduce the risk of injury, college statues and sculptures may not be climbed on or covered with any material. 

    f. Students may request to use the area below the Breezeway outside of Dubinsky Student Center to schedule a demonstration (see *** at the bottom of the page). 

  4. Participants are expected to be respectful of college employees involved in ensuring the safety of the community and compliance with these Guidelines. 

  5. Demonstrations violate these guidelines if they threaten or advocate violence, create violence, or harass or intimidate FIT-affiliated individuals or groups on the basis of race, religion, national origin or ancestry, identity, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected class.

VIII. Interference with the Speech of Others 

  1. Protecting free speech includes not interfering with the free speech rights of others, as well as protecting the rights of the speaker. 

  2. Community members may object to speakers on campus with whom they disagree, but they may not do so in a way that prevents the speaker from expressing their views or prevents other members of the community from hearing or seeing the speaker.

  3. Individuals or groups may not suppress the speech of another individual. For example, they may not have a "heckler's veto" over speech with which they disagree. 

IX. Use of Social Media 

  1. Community members have the right to use social media to express themselves. However, this right is also circumscribed by principles of respect, civility, and local, state, or federal law. Online harassment and the doxing of students, faculty or staff is not permitted as this undermines open expression, academic freedom, and physical safety. 

  2. To the extent that FIT organizations or FIT community members can be identified as perpetrators of such online harassment and doxing, the College may take action as appropriate. 

  3. Community members are expected to follow FIT's Social Media Policy.

X. Live Streaming, Filming, and Media Access

  1. Live streaming an event is not permitted except in limited circumstances where reaching a wider audience is appropriate and approved by the College. 

  2. Any third party who wishes to film on campus for non-news purposes is required to work with the Office of Communications and External Relations.  

  3. News media are required to produce credentials when requested by College officials and may be asked to limit filming to specific areas of campus, especially during demonstrations, to allow FIT’s Public Safety to maintain campus security. 

XI. Use of College Name 

  1. FIT regulates the use of its name (FIT, Fashion Institute of Technology), the names of its schools and programs, and related insignia, trademarks, and logos to ensure that such use is related to the College’s educational, service and research missions and promotes its objectives. Responsibility for overseeing the use of the FIT's names and insignia lies with the Office of Communication and External Relations and the Office of the General Counsel

  2. FIT faculty, staff, and students may refer to their affiliation or status with the college in connection with personal activities, including consulting, provided that the affiliation or status is accurately represented. As further described below, any title or position is accurately identified and provided that such use does not imply college endorsement of the activity. 

  3. Use of college insignia in connection with personal activities is prohibited. The University's name must not be used in any announcement, advertising matter, publication, correspondence, or report in connection with personal or non-college activities if such use in any way could be construed as implying college endorsement of, or responsibility for, any person, project, product, or service. 

  4. All other policy requirements as noted in the College Policy Library apply. 

XII. Non-College Persons 

  1. FIT reserves the express right to request college identification from participants engaged in events and demonstrations on campus to determine whether an individual is affiliated with FIT. 

  2. Non-FIT-affiliated persons may have less expansive rights of open expression in college locations than FIT community members. 

  3. All who participate in meetings, events, and demonstrations in a college location must comply with these guidelines and any additional instructions from other college officials, including FIT’s Public Safety and the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success.

XIII. Enforcement 

  1. Each college community member is expected to know and follow these Guidelines. Disrupting college operations is not permitted. This includes conduct that interferes unreasonably with the activities of other persons; causes injury to persons or property or threatens to cause such injury; holding meetings, events, or demonstrations under circumstances where health or safety is endangered; or knowingly interfering with unimpeded movement in a college location or with college operations. 

  2. Given the open nature of FIT's campus, FIT's Public Safety and other delegates may ask for FIT IDs in college locations.

    1. Checking FIT IDs for safety concerns ordinarily does not involve making a record of the information for future disciplinary actions. FIT’s Public Safety or delegates who request ID information for purposes of possible disciplinary action must give notice of this intention to any FIT ID holders at the time of making such a request. 

  3. The Dean of Students or its delegate has the authority to determine if the guidelines are being violated by any member of the college community.

  4. The Office of the Dean of Students may intervene to address in real-time any conduct that it has been declared to violate the guidelines. Intervention may include instructions to participants to modify or terminate their behavior.

  5. Refusal to comply with these instructions may lead to a referral by the Office of the Dean of Students, who will investigate the event and decide what disciplinary proceedings, if any, to pursue. 

  6. If a member of the FIT community is believed to have violated College policies or guidance, the individual (or organization) will be subject to appropriate college disciplinary policies as applicable. Students believed to have violated these Temporary Standards and Procedures will be referred to the Student Conduct Council Board upon the filing of a complaint and preliminary review of the allegations.

  7. Faculty who are believed to have violated these Temporary Standards and Procedures will be referred to Human Resources for further action. 

  8. Staff who are believed to have violated these Temporary Standards and Procedures will be referred to Human Resources for further action.

  9. Community members may also be subject to interim sanctions, up to and including suspension, for serious and/or repeated violations of this guidance and the underlying codes of conduct. 

  10. Reports of online harassment and threatening behavior of any kind should be reported to the FIT’s Public Safety by calling 212-217-7777 for an immediate response.

***Requests to utilize the lower Breezeway space outside of Dubinsky Student Center to schedule a demonstration must adhere to the following guidelines.



The Fashion Institute of Technology as a part of State University of New York (SUNY) respects and fully supports the rights of free speech guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States and the State of New York. FIT and SUNY value the free expression of ideas and support individuals’ right to assemble. 

Fashion Institute of Technology promulgates this policy to provide meaningful opportunities for members of our community to express their views and to ensure that the time, place, and manner of such expression does not interfere with the safety and security of our campus community or disrupt the regular operations of the campus.


This content-neutral policy is applicable to all Fashion Institute of Technology students. 


FIT students are guaranteed the rights of free inquiry and expression. Subject to applicable content-neutral policy, students are guaranteed the right to hold public meetings and engage in peaceful and orderly assemblies—including, but not limited to, protests, demonstrations, rallies, vigils, marches, and picketing—in and upon designated public areas of campus grounds and buildings.

FIT designates the following as public areas for the purpose of peaceful and orderly assemblies: The Lower Breezeway Plaza. This area begins at the base of the staircase below the upper Breezeway, at street level, between the Dubinsky Student Center and Business & Liberal Arts buildings, and does not include the staircases leading to or any portion of the entire upper Breezeway. 

FIT will monitor all assemblies in designated public areas of grounds and buildings and prevent participants from engaging in any of the following:

  1. Conduct that prevents the orderly administration of college classes, lectures, meetings, interviews, ceremonies, and other campus events or University operations;

  2. Conduct that obstructs the free movement of vehicles or of persons, including, but not limited to in any building or facility, inclusive of blocking hallways and doors;

  3. Engage in conduct that could foreseeably cause injury or damage to persons or property;

  4. Attempt to operate audio amplification equipment in a manner that conflicts with normal College operations or that is deemed injurious to health and safety, or that is in violation of New York City ordinances;

  5. Constructing or erecting structures, whether or not they are anchored, inclusive of screens and/or objects requiring penetration in concrete or grass, or camp on College grounds without authorization from Enrollment Management and Student Success, and indoor and outdoor encampment is generally prohibited (see Temporary Standards and Guidelines for Campus Events and Demonstrations);

  6. Possession and/or ignition of an open flame of any type, including, but not limited to, torches;

  7. Assemblies lasting more than one day (duration not to exceed 12 hours in a one-day period) and assemblies between the hours of 10 PM and 8 AM are prohibited;

  8. Activities that violate the provisions of the FIT Code of Student Conduct and FIT’s Safety and Security Policy (.pdf) and;

  9. Activities that violate the provisions of any other applicable campus policy, including but not limited to: The FIT Student Code of Conduct (.pdf), Sexual Misconduct Response Policy (.pdf), Bias Crime Prevention Policy (.pdf), Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy (.pdf), Religious Accommodations Policy (.pdf), Temporary Standards and Guidelines for Campus Events and Demonstrations, or any other policy under the Students Rights & Responsibilities Handbook

In addition, the following activities are strictly prohibited:

  1. Entry into any private office of an administrative officer, member of faculty, or staff member, or entry into any other college area that is not authorized, without permission;

  2. Occupation of a building after it is normally closed, including the Shirley Goodman Resource Center, the New Academic Building, and all residential halls.  

  3. Obstruction of any roadways running through or adjoining the FIT campus grounds.

All individuals participating in protests and demonstrations are required to provide a form of college-issued or government-issued identification upon request from a College official.

The Fashion Institute of Technology takes compliance with this policy very seriously. Students should expect that violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action under the College’s Code of Student Conduct, up to and including interim suspension, suspension, and expulsion.


Fashion Institute of Technology respects and supports students’ efforts to exercise their rights to free speech and assembly. The Division of Enrollment Management & Student Success has designated the Department of Student Life to provide the appropriate support for the successful implementation of these events. Following College procedures will ensure a safe and effective assembly activity. The College will make every effort to respond affirmatively to all requests to engage in assembly activity. However, content-neutral consideration must be given to the time, place, and manner of the assembly activity to ensure the health and safety of the participants and the noninterference with authorized College business, activities, or events. 

Services: To help ensure the safety of participants and the protection of the rights of all members of the campus community, FIT can provide services to registered student organizations and clubs such as location, safety, crowd control, sound equipment (unless prohibited in certain areas as per the FIT Temporary Standards and Guidelines for Campus Events), site preparation/cleanup, and/or other such facilities or services it deems necessary (“Services”). 

Request for Services 

1. For assemblies where the need for services is reasonably foreseeable, event organizers shall, within 5 business days prior to the planned event, submit a written Request for Services, as follows: 

  1. The written request should contain the name of the club or organization sponsoring the event, the proposed location and any other Services sought, the date and time of the planned assembly, and the number of persons expected to participate. 

  2. The request should be submitted to: [email protected]

  3. The Director of the Department of Student Life will promptly respond to the request for Services after receipt of the written request but no later than two (2) business days prior to the proposed date of the planned event.

  4. The Director, in consultation with Enrollment Management and Student Success, will review the request and work with the club or organization to accommodate requests and determine a reasonable time, place, and manner for the assembly activity. 

  5. While every attempt will be made to accommodate all requests, some modifications to the assembly activity request may be required due to the availability of the proposed time and place of the activity. A Student Life professional staff member will inform the club or organization of these modifications and provide guidance as the assembly activity is planned.

  6. In the event that the proposed assembly activity is planned in direct response to a current event, the Department of Student Life realizes that it may not be possible to submit a request in advance. In such cases, the event organizer should contact the Department of Student Life as soon as possible in order to promptly coordinate the assembly activity, where reasonably possible. 

2. No Services Required: Assemblies requiring No Services, or for which the need for Services is not reasonably foreseeable or necessary as described above, may take place within the confines of Section III within the Temporary Standards and Guidelines for Campus Events and Demonstrations. Organizers who are unsure of whether their planned assembly requires Services are encouraged to contact the appropriate office designated in sub-paragraph (1)(c) above for guidance. Event organizers who do not request necessary services that were reasonably foreseeable as being needed may be subject to FIT Code of Student Conduct violations.