Curriculum Inventory Management System (CIM)
Course Inventory Management (CIM) is the online platform used to submit curricular actions including, but not limited to, new course proposals, course edits, program edits and course inactivations.
There are two forms for submitting curricular actions: the Course Management (courseadmin) form, and the Program Management (programadmin) form. Each form focuses on specific actions.
Access to Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM):
The Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system is not administered by the Information Technology (IT) department. For access to the CIM system, contact Johanna Wilson in the office of Faculty and Academic Program Support at [email protected].
Curriculum Form for New Courses or Revisions Form
- Propose a new course, including cross-listed and special topics courses (Note: When you are proposing a new course that will be included in your major page, you need to submit both a new course proposal and a program change.)
- Update a course of study
- Change a course title
- Update pre/co-requisites
- Update course credits or hours
- Establish online delivery of a course
- Establish blended delivery of a course
- Update learning outcomes
- Add a general education designation
- Remove a general education designation
- Update a course description
- Deactivate a course
- Reactivate a previously deactivated course
Program Management Digital Form
- Update a program’s curriculum sequence, including adding, dropping and/or moving courses
- Update the text below the grid on the catalog major page, including updating and removing program electives and bridge courses
- Create a new minor
- Create a new credit certificate
- Edit an existing minor or credit certificate
- Update the name of a program
For quick reference, download our Curriculum Cheat Sheet (.pdf)
For more CourseLeaf training resources, login to MyFIT and follow the Curriculum Forms link for training information.
If you are a faculty member who needs to have title or credentials updated in the
Undergraduate or Graduate catalog, please complete the following form for Human Resources:
» Faculty Directory Changes
Once the information submitted is verified by HR, we may update the catalog(s) to reflect the change.