Strategic Planning: 2012-2020
In September 2012, President Brown announced an initiative to revisit and refresh FIT's seven-year-old strategic plan, 2020: Bringing the Future into Focus, and to review the college's mission statement, last revised in 2001, to determine how it aligns with the college and its strategic goals today. An 18-member Planning Council, a new college committee with representation from across the FIT community, was charged to address these issues.
To facilitate this process, the College engaged the firm, Anthony Knerr and Associates (AKA), to guide the strategic planning and mission review activities, which followed a process similar to the one that was so successful in the development of the 2004 strategic plan—inclusive, valued all voices, and sought common consensus. Outreach included one-on-one interviews, dinner dialogues, focus groups, and roundtables. There were also subcommittees and advice gained from industry and all other relevant external constituencies.
On this website you will find:
- President Brown's strategic planning updates to the community;
- information about AKA;
- list of Planning Council members;
- list of subcommittees and their members;
- timeline of the strategic planning and mission review process; and
- other information relevant to the strategic planning and mission review process.
Approved Strategic Plan - added October 2013