How to Register
Before Registration
Select the option that applies to you.
Course Selection and Registration
Registration will take place:
Friday, January 31, 2020
9 am to 1 pm
FIT Conference Center, John E. Reeves Great Hall (entrance on 28th Street just west of Seventh Avenue)
This is the only registration period for Senior Learners. Complete your Course Selection Form before you arrive. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. You may register to audit one credit-bearing course per semester, subject to the availability of a seat in the class.
Additional Details
Senior Learners begin classes after add/drop week. This timing ensures that courses for matriculated students are prioritized.
Pre- and Co-requisites: If you have not requested a waiver from the School of Liberal Arts ahead of time, you can obtain a waiver during the January 31 Senior Learners registration event. A representative will be at the Modern Languages table to assist you.
Day v. Evening Sections: The School of Liberal Arts offers many course selections for auditors during the day. The Schools of Art and Design and Business and Technology offer courses for auditors in the evening.
Online Courses: Online (OL) and blended learning (BL) sections of courses are not available for Senior Learners.
Payment: You may pay your course fee using check, money order, or credit card. We cannot accept cash. The registration fee is not refundable, and no changes may be made after initial course selection. We encourage you to pay by check or money order, payable to FIT, in order to keep payments lines moving at registration. See: Costs