Academic Standards for the School of Graduate Studies
The Registrar's Office notifies students in writing of their academic probation/dismissal
status at the end of each academic term (i.e., fall and spring semesters).
Graduate students whose academic standing is academic probation or academic dismissal
may appeal the decision to the Faculty Senate Committee on Academic Standards. The
academic standing appeal procedure is a formal request by the student seeking to appeal
for an exception to the academic standing regulations as published in the college
catalog. A student may appeal their status for three consecutive regular semesters
following the decision of probation or dismissal.
Following are the criteria for academic probation or academic dismissal for the School of Graduate Studies:
- A student is placed on probation if his or her semester GPA is below 3.0.
- A student is not subject to academic dismissal at the end of his or her first semester in a degree program.
- A student will be dismissed from the college after two consecutive semesters with a GPA below 3.0.
Students who have been academically dismissed from the college are permitted to take
only non-credit-bearing courses offered through the Center for Continuing and Professional
>> Academic Standing Appeal Form (PDF)
Important Dates:
June 6 - Appeal forms are due in the Registrar's Office
June 17 - Committee on Academic Standards meets
June 20 - Students are notified of the committee's decisions
For more information on Scholastic Standing for the School of Graduate Studies, review
the catalog: