Understand Your DARS
The degree audit (DARS) is designed to assist you with planning and tracking your progress toward graduation by comparing your academic record against the requirements for your degree. Scan the column on the left side of the audit for notations.
Below is a List of Each Notation and What it Means:
OK = requirement is complete
NO = requirement is not complete
IP = requirement is in-progress; no grade has been assigned and successful completion
is presumed
+ [plus sign] = this part of the requirement (subgroup) is complete
- [minus sign] = this part of the requirement (subgroup) is not complete
+R = this part of the required SUNY general education area is complete
-R = this part of the required SUNY general education area is not complete
NEEDS = number of courses or credits missing to complete the requirement
SELECT FROM = courses required to complete the requirement
RP = repeated course
>D = This does not mean a "D" grade has been assigned. Before spring 2014, the original
grade for this repeated course is calculated in the GPA.
F> = Effective spring 2014, F and WF grades are changed to F> and WF> grades when a
passing grade is earned. F> and WF> are not calculated in the grade point average.
NOTE RM = message posted by the Registrar's Office
T = T grade; transfer credit has been awarded for this course
TR courses = courses transferred as electives which do not have an equivalent for your major
at FIT
Courses taken in excess of degree requirements: Any course(s) listed under this heading at the end of your degree audit, do not fulfill any requirement towards your FIT major. The course(s) are not required for the major you are currently enrolled in.
Each audit is only accurate as of the date and time it is generated. Changes, updates or corrections to either your degree requirements or your academic record (e.g., adding or dropping courses; grade changes; new transfer credit; adding a minor or changing majors, etc.) will change the results of the degree audit.
Requirements for the Associate Degree
To qualify for the Associate in Applied Science degree, candidates must be matriculated (officially admitted to degree status); satisfactorily complete the credit and course requirements prescribed for their majors, related areas, and general education; achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 for all work completed; and submit an application for graduation.
Requirements for the Bachelor's Degree
- An earned AAS or equivalent
- 120 - 126 earned credits
- 30 General Education credits
- Bachelor of Science degree New York State guidelines: 60 credits in liberal arts
- Bachelor of Fine Art degrees NASAD guidelines: 12 credit art/design history and 30 credits in liberal arts/general studies
Click here for instructions on accessing your DARS in MyFIT.