About the Library

FIT's Library supports the social, academic and research needs of the diverse and unique FIT community. A diligently-selected collection of more than 197,000 volumes of print materials (and over 300,000 combined print, non-print, and electronic materials) supports the instructional programs in art and design, business and technology, liberal arts and our Graduate School. Our collections include specialized electronic and digital resources and physical materials not often found in conventional academic libraries; such as fashion and trend forecasting services, sketch collections, clipping files, and fashion show DVDs and lookbooks. Our newspapers and periodicals include more than 400 current subscriptions and extensive back issue runs. Databases provided by FIT, SUNYConnect, and the New York State Library provide access to thousands of full-text journal articles, books, images, research reports and other resources:  Most are available remotely.

Special areas and projects include:  Special Collections with scrapbooks, college archives, illustrations, and other primary research material in their original formats; the Materials Resource Lab, a hands-on intrior design sample collection; the Library Commons, containing computers, a MakerMinds work space, and an Art Resource Lab. literature collection; and the Library's diverse and unique digital collections, including the FIT Institutional Repository, Archive on Demand, SPARC Digital, FITDIL, and more

We welcome you to explore the FIT Library's resources: OneSearchdatabases, and LibGuides - research guides prepared by FIT faculty librarians and staff.

As a member of local, state, and international consortia, the Library participates in resource-sharing programs including the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) and the SUNY Libraries consortium. Through SUNY's Open Access Policy our students have access to and borrowing privileges at all other SUNY libraries.

Mission Statement

The Gladys Marcus Library creates a foundation for lifelong learning by teaching research and critical thinking skills that students carry beyond the classroom into careers. The library cultivates user-centered physical and virtual resources that support and strengthen academic and creative pursuits. The library builds, organizes, and preserves materials that support our curriculum, enhance our unique collections, and document the college’s history. The library investigates, assesses and implements innovative services and programs that measurably facilitate and enrich the learning experience for our community and global researchers.

Vision Statement

  • FIT Library supports the specialized curriculum of the College and is a leader in information literacy efforts in order to prepare our students for the global 21st century.
  • We are committed to serving our students and faculty in both the physical and virtual environments by accommodating their user needs for physical space and materials as well as seamless access to databases and other electronic resources. 
  • We are flexible in adapting to rapidly changing technologies in order to provide resources in all appropriate media for a diverse student population.

Contact Us

Office of the Library Director

Shirley Goodman Resource Center, 5th Floor
(212) 217-4370
General Information/Access Services Desk (212) 217-4360