Online Gen-Ed Courses
EN 121 English Composition
EN 362 Creative Nonfiction
G2: Mathematics
MA 142 Geometry and the Art of Design (formerly MA 242)
MA 161 Mathematical Ideas
MA 213 Quantitative Methods
MA 222 Statistical Analysis
MA 311 Mathematical Modeling for Business Applications
MA 321 Data Analysis for Business Applications
G3: Natural Sciences
SC 111 Introduction to the Physical Sciences
SC 112 Earth Science
SC 121 Introduction to Biological Science
SC 326 Human Nutrition
G4: Social Sciences
SS 131 General Psychology
SS 141 Macroeconomics
SS 151 Introduction to World Affairs
SS 171 Introductory Sociology
SS 201 Contemporary Issues in Economics
SS 231 Personality
SS 237 Industrial Psychology
SS 242 Microeconomics (formerly SS 342)
SS 343 Labor Economics
SS 354 Comparative Political Systems
SS 374 Cross-Cultural Studies
SS 378 Asian Global Popular Culture
SS 379 Sociology of the Digital Era
SS 385 Social Psychology
SS 386 Youth Subculture, Identity, and Fashion: A Sociological Perspective
SS 443 International Economics
G5: Western Civilization
HA 112 Western Art and Civilization: Renaissance to the Modern Era
MC 345 Food for Thought: Gastronomy in Italian Literature and Culture
G6: The Arts
AR 101 Fashion Art and Design
EN 361 Creative Writing
EN 363 Fiction Writing
EN 364 Poetry Writing
FA 141 Drawing I
PE 217 Urban Dance: History and Social Context
G7: Humanities
EN 231 The Short Story
EN 233 Poetry
EN 235 African-American Literature
EN 236 Major Writers of the Western World
EN 271 Literature and History: The Development of American Culture to 1865
EN 272 Identity in America: History and Literature, 1865 to Present
EN 335 Working Women in the United States: 1865 to Present
EN 371 Chinese Odyssey: Introduction to Chinese Literature
FI 111 Introduction to Film
HA 112 Western Art and Civilization: Renaissance to the Modern Era
HA 121 Cities and Civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean World
HA 218 Art and Myth in the Classical World
HA 219 African American Art
HA 221 Eastern Art and Civilization
HA 223 African Art and Civilization
HA 225 Art and Civilization of India
HA 226 Art and Civilization of the Islamic World
HA 229 Korean Art and Civilization
HA 231 Modern Art
HA 234 Warhol and Pop Art
HA 243 History of Photography
HA 271 Japanese Art and Civilization
HA 314 History of American Art
HA 331 Contemporary Art and Culture: 1945 to Present
HA 344 History of Western Costume
IT 342 Writing Women of the Italian Renaissance
MC 241 Italian American Cultural Studies
MC 262 Revolution as Spectacle: Mexico
MC 345 Food for Thought: Gastronomy in Italian Literature and Culture
PL 211 Informal Logic: A Guide to Clear Thinking
PL 431 Philosophy: Ethics
G8: Foreign Language
IT 111 Elementary Italian
IT 112 Italian II
IT 214 Italian IV
IT 342 Writing Women of the Italian Renaissance
SP 111 Spanish I
SP 112 Spanish II
G9: Other World Civilizations (non-Western civilizations)
EN 371 Chinese Odyssey: Introduction to Chinese Literature
HA 121 Cities and Civilizations of the Eastern Mediterranean World
HA 221 East Asian Art and Civilization
HA 223 African Art and Civilization
HA 225 Art and Civilization of India
HA 226 Art and Civilization of the Islamic World
HA 229 Korean Art and Civilization
HA 271 Japanese Art and Civilization
MC 262 Revolution as Spectacle: Mexico
SS 151 Introduction to World Affairs
SS 354 Comparative Political Systems
SS 356 Asia in Motion
SS 374 Cross-Cultural Studies
SS 378 Asian Global Popular Culture
SS 386 Youth Subculture, Identity, and Fashion: A Sociological Perspective
G10: American History
EN 271 Literature and History: The Development of American Culture to 1865
EN 272 Identity in America: History and Literature, 1865 to Present
EN 274 Voices of Civil Rights in American History
EN 335 Working Women in the United States: 1865 to Present
HA 219 African American Art
HA 314 History of American Art
HI 202 U.S. History: Civil War to the Present
HI 208 American History through Fabric, Fashion, and Dress
MC 241 Italian American Cultural Studies