Virtual Portfolio Day

Welcome to FIT's Virtual Portfolio Day!

A Welcome Message from Troy Richards, Dean of the School of Art and Design

Departmental  Webinars 

Learn about FIT's programs and meet our faculty representatives at 1:15- 2:15 pm and/or 2:30-3:30 pm. 

Choose a session time to join the following programs: 

Live Chat

Join a live chat with FIT representatives in Financial Aid, Admissions, and students from the Art and Design program. 

Financial Aid


Meet Our Students

Live Info Sessions

Join a live session from Noon to 1 pm with representatives from Residential Life, Student Life, Education Opportunity Program, Academic Advisement Center, and Career Internship Center

Residential Life

Take a video tour of our residential halls: Nagler Hall, Coed Hall and Alumni Hall.

Nagler Hall

Coed Hall

Alumni Hall

Virtual Campus Tour

Enter the Virtual Tour

Share With Us!

Post on Instagram (@fitnyc), Twitter (@FIT) or text 1 (662) 638-4652


Post a selfie to introduce yourself, your artwork,  or just to say Hello!