Tuition Deposit
To secure your place in the Spring 2017 class, please return the Tuition Deposit Form and a check or money order for $150, payable to FIT, by the date indicated on the form in your offer of admission packet. Your student identification number (located on the upper right corner of the offer of admission letter) must be included on your check or money order.
This tuition deposit is not refundable.
Send your Tuition Deposit Form and $150 deposit to:
Bursar’s Office - Cashiering Operations
Fashion Institute of Technology
227 West 27th Street, Room B127
New York, NY 10001-5992
Tuition deposits cannot be made through the FIT website. The college will not process tuition deposits without the Tuition Deposit Form.
For further information, please visit the Bursar's website or call the Bursar’s Office - Cashiering Operations at (212) 217-3680.
Next Step: Residential Life