Isabella Bertoletti, PhD

Professor; Chair | Modern Languages and Cultures

(212) 217-5097

Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B831


BA, Queens College, City University of New York
PhD, The Graduate School and University Center, City University of New York

2009-2010 State University of New York Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Selected Publications

The Linguistic Turn of Money. (Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press, 2014.
English translation (with Andrea Casson and James Cascaito) of La natura linguistica della finanza by the Italo-Swiss political scientist and economist Christian Marazzi. It is a limited edition published for the March 2014 Whitney Biennial in New York City and featured at the Semiotext(e) pavilion at the Museum.

Winter is Over. (Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press, 2010).
English translation (with Andrea Casson and James Cascaito) of L’inverno è finito: Scritti sulla trasformazione negata (1989-1995) by the Italian political philosopher Antonio Negri.

Multitude: Between Innovation and Negation. (Cambridge, Mass and London, England: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press [ISBN-10: 1-58435-050-4], 2008).
English translation (with my FIT colleagues Andrea Casson and James Cascaito) of three treatises: “So-called ‘Evil’ and Criticism of the State”; “Jokes and Innovative Action: For a Logic of Change”; Mirror Neurons, Linguistic Negation, Reciprocal Recognitions” by the Italian political philosopher Paolo Virno.

A Grammar of the Multitude: For An Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life. (Cambridge, Mass. and London, England: Semiotext(e)/MIT Press
[ISBN: 1-58435-021-0], 2004). English translation (with Andrea Casson and James Cascaito) of Grammatica della moltitudine: per una analisi delle forme di vita contemporanee by the Italian political philosopher Paolo Virno (Original Italian version published by the University of Calabria: Rubettino Press, 2001).

“On Meandering Paths Without a Map: Petrarch’s Pursuit of a Safe Haven.” Forum Italicum (2004) 38.2 : 311–337.

“Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Mourning Laura.” Quaderni d’Italianistica (2002) XXIII.2: 2543.

“Petrarch's Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. The Poetics of an Idolatrous Myth." Italian Culture, XIV (1996).

“Primo Levi’s Odyssey: The Drowned and the Saved.” in The Legacy of Primo Levi Stanislao Pugliese, ed.  (NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 105118.

Review of Deborah Parker’s Commentary and Ideology: Dante in the Renaissance. (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1993); Romance Quarterly 42, (Spring 1995): 29.


  • 2010 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • Helaine Newstead Dissertation Fellowship
  • CUNY Graduate School Fellowship; University Tuition Stipend
  • The John D. Calandra Student Achievement Award
  • Phi Beta Kappa Award
  • The Mardel Ogilvie Scholarship
  • The Margaret Wyman Hartle Memorial Prize
  • The Paul Zweig Memorial Award


  • IT 111 Italian Grammar I (G8)
  • IT 112 Italian Grammar II (G8)
  • IT 213 Italian Grammar III (G8)
  • IT 214 Italian Grammar IV (G8)
  • IT 122 Italian Conversation I (G8)
  • IT 223 Italian Conversation II (G8)
  • IT 132 Italian in Florence (G8)
  • IT 122 Conversation in Florence  (G8)
  • IT 311 Italian for Business (G8)
  • IT 342 Writing Women of the Italian Renaissance (G7; G8)
  • MC 251 Italian Cinema (G6; G7)
  • MC 313 Writing Women of the Italian Renaissance (G7)
  • MC 343 Italian Food for Thought (G7)
  • MC 202 Rome: The Making and Unmaking of the Eternal City (G7)