Denyse Montegut


BA, Brooklyn College, City University of New York
MA, New York University


Denyse Montegut directed the academic evolution of the Fashion and Textile Studies program beginning in 1996 and has been teaching conservation science courses since 1991. She received her Bachelor of Arts in art history with a minor in mathematics from Brooklyn College and holds a Master of Arts in art history and a certificate in conservation from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. She is ABD in art conservation research at the University of Delaware, where her work centered on the authentication of thirteenth-century printed textile fragments.

Montegut's publications range over a number of historical and technical subjects and include examination of metal threads from some 15th and 16th century Italian textiles using a scanning electron microscope; energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry; Moth or Mollusc? A technical examination of Byssus fibers; The Characterization and Identification of Faux Suede Materials; and Characterization of Morphological and Optical Properties of Regenerated Protein Fibers, 1938-1960. She teaches specialty workshops and has lectured at NYU over the years.

Montegut maintains a small private conservation business and is the consulting textile conservator for the Guggenheim Museum. She has been a pioneer in the creation of fashion archives, having created an archive for Calvin Klein as early as 1996. She continues to consult for start-up archives. She is a member of the American Institute for Conservation and the Textile Society of America.