Christine Pomeranz

Associate Professor; Associate Chair | International Trade and Marketing

Business and Liberal Arts Center, Room B452


AB, Assumption College
MBA, New York University


Before arriving at FIT, Christine Pomeranz was an international banker for 20 years: senior vice president at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited, relationship manager at Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Group Limited, and assistant manager at Citibank. She began teaching in 2002 at New York University and the World Trade Institute at Pace University.

In addition to teaching international finance, international management, and international business transactions courses, she organizes field trips and career development programs for students, founded the Talking Trade @ FIT guest lecture series, serves on various committees, and is instrumental in raising funds to enhance student professional development.

Pomeranz was appointed by successive United States Secretaries of Commerce as a member of the New York District Export Council and currently serves as its chair. She earned her Master of Business Administration in Finance and International Business from Stern School of Business at New York University.