Gladys Marcus Library
FIT's library supports the diverse academic and research needs of the FIT community.
A collection of more than 130,000 volumes of print, non-print, and electronic materials
supports the instructional programs in Art & Design, Business & Technology, Liberal
Arts and our Graduate School. Collections also include specialized electronic and
digital resources and materials not often found in conventional academic libraries,
such as the fashion and trend forecasting services, sketch collections, clipping files,
and fashion show DVDs. Our newspapers and periodicals include more than 400 current
subscriptions and extensive back issue runs. Over 85 databases, provided by FIT, SUNYConnect,
and the New York State Library, provide access to thousands of full-text journal articles,
books, images, research reports and other resources. Most are available remotely.
Library Policies
Please refer to for details of loan periods with links on the side about fines, borrowing privileges, etc., or contact the Access Services unit at 212 217-4360.
Rules of conduct for all Library users:
- Eating and drinking are not allowed on the 4th or 6th floors or near computer workstations.
- Keep sound to a minimum. Personal technology devices must be muted or used with ear buds.
- Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate. Please use phones only in library stairwells or the library lobby.
- Cords for electronic devices should not cross aisles or obstruct walk ways.
- Use of spray paints or chemical fixatives is strictly forbidden in the library. Spray rooms are available on the 6th floor of the Pomerantz Center.
Theft or mutilation of library materials is a major offense and will result in disciplinary
action, which may include suspension or expulsion from the college, other sanctions,
and possibly legal action. In addition, the person will be held financially accountable
for replacement of the materials.